Hints for kbounce in community
org.kde.kbounce.desktop ⚙ aarch64
- developer
Found invalid tag. Non-standard tags should be prefixed with `x-`. AppStream also provides the <custom/> tag to add arbitrary custom data to metainfo files. This tag is read by AppStream libraries and may be useful instead of defining new custom toplevel or `x-`-prefixed tags if you just want to add custom data to a metainfo file. -
- KBounce е аркадна игра за един играч с елементи на пъзел.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`). -
- KBounce, buruhausteko elementuak dituen jokalari-bakarreko arkupeko joko bat da.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`). -
- KBounce adalah sebuah permainan arcade pemain tunggal dengan unsur teka-teki.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`). -
- „KBounce“ ir spēle vienam spēlētājam ar mīklas elementiem.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`). -
- KBounce is een arcade spel voor één speler met de elementen van een puzzel.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`). -
- KBounce er eit arkadespel med enkelte strategielement.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).