⇦ | appstream [community]
Last updated on: 2022-07-25 02:10 [UTC]

Metadata for appstream in community

org.freedesktop.appstream.cli - 0.12.11-r2 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="console-application">
  <name xml:lang="bn_BD">অ্যাপস্ট্রিম সিএলআই</name>
  <name>AppStream CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="ca">Interfície de línia d'ordres d'AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="cs">Textové uživatelské rozhraní pro AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="da">AppStream CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="de">AppStream-CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="en_GB">AppStream CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="es">Interfaz de consola de AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="fi">AppStream-komentorivityökalu</name>
  <name xml:lang="fr">Interface en ligne de commande AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="gd">Eadar-aghaidh loidhne-àithne AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="gl">Interface de consola de AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="hu">AppStream parancssori felület</name>
  <name xml:lang="id">CLI AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="it">CLI AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="ja">AppStream CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="ko">AppStream CLI(명령 줄 인터페이스)</name>
  <name xml:lang="lt">AppStream komandų eilutė</name>
  <name xml:lang="nb">Kommandolinjegrensesnitt for AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="nl">AppStream-CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="pl">Interfejs AppStream dla wiersza poleceń</name>
  <name xml:lang="pt">Interface de linha de comandos do AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="pt_BR">CLI do AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="ru">Интерфейс командной строки AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="sk">Textové užívateľské rozhranie pre AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="sr">ЦЛИ за Програмски ток</name>
  <name xml:lang="sr@latin">CLI za Programski tok</name>
  <name xml:lang="sv">AppStream-CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="tr">AppStream CLI</name>
  <name xml:lang="uk">Командний рядок AppStream</name>
  <name xml:lang="zh_CN">AppStream 命令行界面</name>
  <name xml:lang="zh_TW">AppStream 命令列介面</name>
  <summary xml:lang="ar">أداة للتعامل مع بيانات AppStream الوصفية</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bn_BD">অ্যাপস্ট্রিম মেটাডেটা নিয়ে কাজ করার একটি যন্ত্র</summary>
  <summary>An utility to work with AppStream metadata</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ca">Una utilitat per treballar amb les metadades AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="cs">Nástroj pro práci s AppStream metadaty</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="da">Et redskab til at arbejde med AppStream-metadata</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="de">Ein Dienstprogramm zum Arbeiten mit AppStream-Metadaten</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en_GB">An utility to work with AppStream metadata</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="es">Utilidad para trabajar con metadatos de AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fr">Un utilitaire pour travailler avec les métadonnées AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="gd">Goireas gus obair le meata-dàta AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="gl">Unha utilidade para traballar con metadatos de AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hu">Egy segédprogram az AppStream metaadatokkal való munkához</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="id">Utilitas untuk bekerja dengan metadata AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="it">Uno strumento per lavorare con metadati AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ja">AppStream メタデータを使用して動作するユーティリティー</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ko">AppStream 메타 데이터 작업용 유틸리티</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="lt">Paslaugų programa, skirta darbui su AppStream metaduomenimis</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nb">Et verktøy for å jobbe med AppStream-metadata</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nl">Een hulpmiddel om te werken met AppStream-metagegevens</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pl">Narzędzie do działania z metadanymi AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt">Um utilitário para trabalhar com os metadados do AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt_BR">Um utilitário para trabalhar com os metadados do AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ru">Утилита для работы с метаданными AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sk">Nástroj pre prácu s AppStream metadátami</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sv">Ett verktyg för att jobba med AppStream-metadata</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tr">AppStream üst verisiyle çalışmak için bir araç</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="uk">Інструмент для обробки метаданих AppStream</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="zh_CN">用于操作 AppStream 元数据的实用工具</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="zh_TW">處理 AppStream 中介資料的公用程式</summary>
      AppStream is a cross-distribution specification to provide metadata about software components.
      This tool allows for reading, writing, validating and transformation of AppStream XML or YAML metadata.
      It also gives access to the system metadata pool, for example to query for software that provides a
      specific MIME-type, and installing it by its software component identifier.
  <description xml:lang="da">
    <p>AppStream er en specifikation på tværs af distributioner, som leverer metadata om softwarekomponenter.</p>
    <p>Værktøjet gør det muligt at læse, skrive, validere og transformere AppStream XML- eller YAML-metadata. Det giver også adgang til systemets metadatasamling, f.eks. til at forespørge software der bruger en bestemt MIME-type og installere den med dens softwarekomponent-identifikator.</p>
  <description xml:lang="de">
    <p>AppStream ist eine distributionsübergreifende Spezifikation zur Bereitstellung von Metadaten über Softwarekomponenten.</p>
    <p>Dieses Werkzeug ermöglicht das Lesen, Schreiben, Überprüfen und Umwandeln von AppStream XML- oder YAML-Metadaten. Es erlaubt auch den Zugriff auf den System-Metadaten-Pool, z. B. Abfrage nach Anwendungen, die einen bestimmten MIME-Typ liefert und Installation anhand der Softwarekomponentenkennung.</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_GB">
    <p>AppStream is a cross-distribution specification to provide metadata about software components.</p>
    <p>This tool allows for reading, writing, validating and transformation of AppStream XML or YAML metadata. It also gives access to the system metadata pool, for example to query for software that provides a specific MIME-type, and installing it by its software component identifier.</p>
  <description xml:lang="es">
    <p>AppStream es una especificación diseñada para funcionar en cualquier distribución cuyo fin es proporcionar metadatos sobre componentes de «software».</p>
    <p>Esta herramienta permite leer, escribir, validar y transformar metadatos de AppStream en XML o YAML. Además permite acceder a los metadatos del sistema para, por ejemplo, buscar programas que proporcionen un tipo MIME concreto e instalarlo por su identificador de componente de software.</p>
  <description xml:lang="fr">
    <p>AppStream est une spécification multidistribution des métadonnées des composants logiciels.</p>
    <p>Cet outil permet la lecture, l’écriture, la validation et la transformation des métadonnées XML ou YAML d’AppStream. Il permet également d’accéder au pool de métadonnées système pour, par exemple, chercher un logiciel qui fournit un type de média spécifique et l’installer en utilisant son identifiant de composant logiciel.</p>
  <description xml:lang="gd">
    <p>’S e sònrachadh thar-sgaoilidh a th’ ann an AppStream gus meata-dàta mu cho-phàirtean bathair-bhog a sholar.</p>
    <p>Leigidh an t-inneal seo leat meata-dàta XML no YAML AppStream a leughadh, a sgrìobhadh, a dhearbhadh agus cruth-atharrachadh. Leigidh e leat cuideachd amar meata-dàta an t-siostaim inntrigeadh, can airson ceasnachadh air bathar-bog a bheir seòrsa MIME sònraichte dhut agus airson a stàladh a-rèir an aithnichear co-phàirt bathair-bhog aige.</p>
  <description xml:lang="hu">
    <p>Az AppStream egy disztribúciók közötti specifikáció, amely metaadatokat biztosít a szoftverösszetevőkről.</p>
    <p>Ezzel az eszközzel AppStream XML vagy YAML metaadatokat olvashat, írhat, érvényesíthet és alakíthat át. Hozzáférést is biztosít a rendszer metaadataihoz, például le tudja kérdezni a szoftvereket, amelyek bizonyos MIME-típusokat biztosítanak, és telepíteni tudja a szoftverösszetevő-azonosítója alapján.</p>
  <description xml:lang="id">
    <p>AppStream adalah spesifikasi lintas-distribusi untuk menyediakan metadata tentang komponen perangkat lunak.</p>
    <p>Alat ini memungkinkan pembacaan, penulisan, validasi, dan transformasi metadata XML atau YAML AppStream. Ini memberi akses ke pool metadata sistem untuk misalnya mengkueri perangkat lunak yang menyediakan MIME-type tertentu dan memasangnya dengan identifier komponen perangkat lunaknya.</p>
  <description xml:lang="it">
    <p>AppStream è una specifica multi-distribuzione che fornisce metadati riguardo ai componenti software.</p>
    <p>Questo strumento consente di leggere, scrivere, validare e trasformare metadati AppStream XML o YAML. Consente inoltre di accedere all'insieme dei metadati del sistema per, per esempio, eseguire ricerche su un software che fornisce uno specifico tipo di MIME e installarlo attraverso il suo identificativo.</p>
  <description xml:lang="nb">
    <p>AppStream er en spesifikasjon for å gjøre metadata om programvarekomponenter tilgjengelig på tvers av distribusjoner.</p>
    <p>Dette verktøyet tillater lesing, skriving og godkjenning av transformering av AppStream -XML eller -YAML-metadata. Det gir også tilgang til systemets metadatagrunnlag, for eksempel for spørringer til programvare som tilbyr en spesifikk MIME-type, og installasjon av dens programvarekomponentidentifikator.</p>
  <description xml:lang="pl">
    <p>AppStream to specyfikacja używana przez wiele dystrybucji do dostarczania metadanych o składnikach oprogramowania.</p>
    <p>To narzędzie umożliwia odczytywanie, zapisywanie, sprawdzanie poprawności i przekształcanie metadanych AppStream w językach XML i YAML. Umożliwia także dostęp do puli metadanych systemu, aby na przykład wyszukać oprogramowanie dostarczające podany typ MIME i zainstalować je według jego identyfikatora składnika oprogramowania.</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt">
    <p>AppStream é uma especificação independente de distribuição para fornecimento de metadados sobre componentes de software.</p>
    <p>Esta ferramenta permite ler, escrever, validar e transformar metadados AppStream em XML ou YAML. Também permite acessar o grupo de metadados do sistema para, por exemplo, consultar por um software fornecendo um tipo MIME específico e instalá-lo usando o identificador de componente do seu software.</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt_BR">
    <p>AppStream é uma especificação independente de distribuição para provimento de metadados sobre componentes de software.</p>
    <p>Esta ferramenta permite ler, escrever, validar e transformar metadados AppStream em XML ou YAML. Também permite acessar o pool de metadados do sistema para, por exemplo, consultar por um software fornecendo um Tipo MIME específico e instalá-lo usando o identificador de componente de seu software.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ru">
    <p>AppStream - это кросс-дистрибутивная спецификация для предоставления метаданных о программных компонентах.</p>
    <p>Эта утилита позволяет читать, записывать, проверять и преобразовывать метаданные AppStream в формате XML или YAML. Она также даёт доступ к системному пулу метаданных, например, для запроса ПО, работающего с определённым типом файлов, и его установки по идентификатору программного компонента.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sv">
    <p>AppStream är en multiplattform-specifikation för att tillhandahålla metadata om programkomponenter.</p>
    <p>Det här verktyget möjliggör läsning, skrivning, validering och transformering av AppStream XML- eller YAML-metadata. Det ger också åtkomst till systemmetadatapoolen för att till exempel söka efter program som innehåller en specifik MIME-typ och installera den med dess programidentifierare.</p>
  <description xml:lang="tr">
    <p>AppStream, yazılım bileşenleri hakkında üst veri sağlayan dağıtımlararası bir tanımlamadır.</p>
    <p>Bu araç, AppStream XML veya YAML üst verilerinin okunmasına, yazılmasına, doğrulanmasına ve dönüştürülmesine izin verir. Ayrıca sistem üst veri havuzuna erişim sağlar, örneğin belirli bir MIME türü sağlayan yazılımın sorgulanması ve yazılım bileşen kimliği ile kurulması.</p>
  <description xml:lang="uk">
    <p>AppStream — багатоплатформова специфікація надання метаданих щодо компонентів програмного забезпечення.</p>
    <p>За допомогою цієї програми ви зможете читати, записувати, перевіряти та перетворювати метадані AppStream у форматах XML і YAML. Також за її допомогою можна отримувати доступ до буфера загальносистемних метаданих, наприклад, для того, щоб визначити програмне забезпечення для обробки даних певного типу MIME та його встановлення за ідентифікатором компонента програмного забезпечення.</p>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Distributions/AppStream/</url>
  <url type="help">https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/chap-AppStream-ManualPages.html</url>
    <lang percentage="30">ar</lang>
    <lang percentage="60">ca</lang>
    <lang percentage="56">cs</lang>
    <lang percentage="87">da</lang>
    <lang percentage="75">de</lang>
    <lang percentage="99">en_GB</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">en_US</lang>
    <lang percentage="70">es</lang>
    <lang percentage="36">fi</lang>
    <lang percentage="99">fr</lang>
    <lang percentage="58">gd</lang>
    <lang percentage="40">gl</lang>
    <lang percentage="79">hu</lang>
    <lang percentage="99">id</lang>
    <lang percentage="71">it</lang>
    <lang percentage="69">ja</lang>
    <lang percentage="56">ko</lang>
    <lang percentage="56">lt</lang>
    <lang percentage="57">nb</lang>
    <lang percentage="56">nl</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">pl</lang>
    <lang percentage="59">pt</lang>
    <lang percentage="99">pt_BR</lang>
    <lang percentage="70">ru</lang>
    <lang percentage="56">sk</lang>
    <lang percentage="41">sr</lang>
    <lang percentage="42">sr@latin</lang>
    <lang percentage="57">sv</lang>
    <lang percentage="99">tr</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">uk</lang>
    <lang percentage="49">zh_CN</lang>
    <lang percentage="56">zh_TW</lang>
    <release type="stable" version="0.12.11" timestamp="1589241600">
        <p>This release adds the following features:</p>
          <li>Auto-update static category data from fd.o</li>
          <li>Implement support for input control relations</li>
          <li>validator: Validate input control relations</li>
          <li>validator: Put AppStream technical terms and tag names in backticks in explanation texts</li>
          <li>Modernize the README</li>
          <li>validator: Check for uppercase letters in cids</li>
          <li>Strip beginning/trailing newlines in a number of places</li>
          <li>Make AsContext getter for AsComponent public API</li>
          <li>qt: Add support for name_variant_suffix</li>
          <li>Make component sort-score API public API</li>
          <li>Implement a YAML representation of release artifact information</li>
        <p>This release updates documentation:</p>
          <li>Build specification and docs with DAPS</li>
          <li>docs: Add</li>
          <li>spec: Specify user input control recommendations</li>
          <li>docs: Don't show reference to nonexistent provides-&gt;service tag for services</li>
          <li>spec: Encourage the use of only lowercase letters for component-IDs</li>
          <li>docs: Document --explain flag in ascli manual page as well</li>
          <li>docs: Add permalink anchors to some list entries</li>
          <li>Formally support BLAKE2b/s as hash functions for release artifacts</li>
          <li>docs: Link to the MetaInfo Creator webapp in a few places</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>Be less noisy about ignoring excessively long search tokens</li>
          <li>Tighten the "free license" check and prevent false positives</li>
          <li>cache: Use correct fts value per result</li>
          <li>validator: Control items can't have a version</li>
          <li>validator: Reduce download timeout</li>
          <li>yaml: Strip encoding when serializing keyword lists</li>
          <li>Allows arbitrary indentation when converting NEWS files</li>
          <li>Ignore NULL values silently in our stringstrip function</li>
          <li>Only dump valid metainfo description markup, sanitize it otherwise</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.12.10" timestamp="1579305600">
        <p>This release drops its optional dependency on Curl in favor of a non-optional dependency on libsoup.</p>
        <p>This release adds the following features:</p>
          <li>Sort addons less prominently than applications</li>
          <li>validator: Display wrong data hint if metadata_license is invalid</li>
          <li>Split tokens for descriptions as well</li>
          <li>validator: Replace curl with libsoup for download tests</li>
          <li>Update content rating for OARS 1.1, make CSM age conversion public API</li>
          <li>tests: Don't duplicate XML/YAML preambles in test data</li>
          <li>Add asynchronous method for loading the metadata pool</li>
          <li>Try to reuse initial temporary cache when loading data into pool</li>
          <li>Reduce minimum required GLib version to 2.58</li>
          <li>Implement support for "runtime" component type</li>
          <li>Use SPDX JSON and filter out license exceptions in static data</li>
          <li>Update SPDX and TLD data</li>
          <li>Implement support for the WITH operator in recent SPDX</li>
          <li>Add function to test if a license string is for free software</li>
          <li>qt: Add wrappers for license exception and freeness tests</li>
          <li>ascli: Add vercmp shorthand for compare-versions subcommand</li>
          <li>ascli: Don't print validation issues in color and bold - color is enough</li>
          <li>its: Mark name_variant_suffix as translatable</li>
          <li>Make AsContext public API</li>
          <li>Add convenience methods to direcly serialize a component to XML</li>
        <p>This release updates documentation:</p>
          <li>docs: Adjust Freedesktop spec URLs to their new redirect locations</li>
          <li>Document &amp; implement the new name_variant_suffix tag</li>
          <li>spec: Specify the "runtime" component type</li>
          <li>spec: Permit alternative IDs in appstream URIs</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>Fix double-free error when trying to dump bad XML markup</li>
          <li>validator: Check URLs correctly if they have leading/trailing spaces</li>
          <li>Remove deprecated GLib API</li>
          <li>Don't autofree a temporary error that may be propagated</li>
          <li>Don't attempt to add a zero-length search token to the index</li>
          <li>Filter out search tokens that are stemmed to nothing</li>
          <li>Prefer locale with region code over plain language code if possible</li>
          <li>Use the same locale fallback algorithm everywhere</li>
          <li>validator: Don't fail when encountering WITH operator</li>
          <li>contrib/vapi: Add deprecated ProvidedKind.MIMETYPE to preserve API</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.12.9" timestamp="1569283200">
        <p>This release adds the following features:</p>
          <li>validator: Add method to retrieve list of all tags</li>
          <li>ascli: Add command to make a desktop-entry file from a metainfo file</li>
          <li>ascli: Add command for YAMl NEWS file conversion</li>
          <li>ascli: Convert text NEWS file as well</li>
          <li>Recognize Specification/Documentation as new section type when converting NEWS</li>
          <li>Augment metainfo file with release information automatically</li>
          <li>Use gperf for description markup as well</li>
          <li>validator: Make file-extension checks work with complex URIs</li>
          <li>Implement support for release issues</li>
        <p>This release updates documentation:</p>
          <li>docs: Actually give a metadata license recommendation</li>
          <li>Document the issue tag, which can be part of release information</li>
          <li>spec: Explicitly allow WebP for images in metainfo files</li>
          <li>Permit requires/recommends relations on firmware, like Fwupd uses</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>docs: Move compulsory_for_desktop where it belongs</li>
          <li>docs: Mention how to exclude .desktop files from being processed</li>
          <li>Make -Wdeprecated-copy non-fatal in maintainer mode for now</li>
          <li>cache: Relax LMDB database max size assumption a bit to help 32bit builds</li>
          <li>validator: Don't crash in assertion if we have no filename</li>
          <li>Catch more errors when parsing YAML and _ref less often</li>
          <li>Interleave translated/untranslated paragraphs when generating metainfo XML</li>
          <li>Don't format cached XML</li>
          <li>Don't emit language tag for screenshot if it is unnecessary</li>
          <li>docs: Add missing documentation to API reference</li>
          <li>docs: Document a few missing ascli subcommands</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.12.8" timestamp="1565913600">
        <p>This release changes the output of appstreamcli's validate actions. Please account for that if you were parsing it! The new `--format=yaml` flag for ascli may be interesting to produce machine-readable output.</p>
        <p>This release adds the following features:</p>
          <li>Add install-docs meson build option</li>
          <li>Use more portable deprecation macro</li>
          <li>Deprecate AsIssueImportance, use equivalent AsIssueSeverity instead</li>
          <li>validator: Implement first bits of tag-based validation</li>
          <li>cli: Print terse issue list by default, make long explanation explicit</li>
          <li>Assume releases are sorted in metainfo, fail validation on wrong sorting</li>
          <li>validator: Allow returning validator output as structured YAML</li>
          <li>validator: Refine YAML output and allow CLI to generate it for validate-tree</li>
          <li>Improve XML node dumping functions</li>
          <li>Permit &lt;em/&gt; and &lt;code/&gt; in description paragraphs and lists</li>
          <li>validator: Don't complain about &lt;em/&gt; and &lt;code/&gt; in paragraphs</li>
          <li>validator: Validate release info better, check release dates</li>
          <li>Recognize more "provides" item types</li>
          <li>validator: Check relations for loops with the component itself</li>
          <li>its: Handle new inline markup correctly in translations</li>
          <li>Add AsVideo object to contain screenshot video data</li>
          <li>Implement video support for screenshots</li>
          <li>validator: Validate the new video screenshot element</li>
          <li>qt: Add support for screenshot videos</li>
          <li>validator: The default screenshot must not contain a video</li>
          <li>validator: Add methods to query tag severity/explanation explicitly</li>
          <li>Implement support for icon-theme components</li>
        <p>This release updates documentation:</p>
          <li>spec: Recommend latest-to-oldest release order for metainfo</li>
          <li>spec: Permit use of &lt;em/&gt; and &lt;code/&gt; for description formatting</li>
          <li>docs: Clarify when/why to use .appdata.xml instead of .metainfo.xml extensions</li>
          <li>docs: Explain why name/summary should not be omitted for app metainfo files</li>
          <li>spec: Clarify that ISO 8601 dates in AppStream require the complete date</li>
          <li>spec: Specify videos as a screenshot option</li>
          <li>spec: Specify an icon-theme component type</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>Change spelling: DBus → D-Bus, MIME types → Media types</li>
          <li>pool: Use fallback tempdir if user /home does not exist</li>
          <li>Restore compatibility with GLib &lt; 2.58</li>
          <li>Find LMDB even if no pkg-config file was installed</li>
          <li>pool: Improve error reporting on cache refreshes</li>
          <li>Fix possible NULL dereference</li>
          <li>Fix division-by-zero if there are no components available at all</li>
          <li>pool: Fix some error checks when adding components</li>
          <li>Report better errors when counting cached components fails</li>
          <li>Fix infinite recursion if component has itself listed as an addon</li>
          <li>validator: Correctly read line numbers in long files</li>
          <li>Catch out-of-context XML reading errors again</li>
          <li>Protect against addon extension loops in the cache</li>