⇦ | telegram-desktop [community]
Last updated on: 2022-08-17 02:07 [UTC]

Hints for telegram-desktop in community

org.telegram.desktop ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-releases-not-in-order
    telegram-desktop.appdata.xml - 2.6.5~beta << 2.7.5~beta
    The releases are not sorted in a latest to oldest version order. This is required as some tools will assume that the latest version is always at the top. Sorting releases also increases overall readability of the metainfo file.
  • asv-description-has-plaintext-url
    telegram-desktop.appdata.xml:69 - ul
    The description contains a web URL in plain text. This is not allowed, please use the <url/> tag instead to share links.