⇦ | keepassxc [community]
Last updated on: 2022-08-17 02:07 [UTC]

Metadata for keepassxc in community

org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop - 2.6.4-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ ppc64le ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe”</summary>
  <developer_name>KeePassXC Team</developer_name>
            KeePassXC is an application for people with extremely high demands on secure
            personal data management. It has a light interface, is cross-platform and
            published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
  <launchable type="desktop-id">org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/icons/48x48/keepassxc_keepassxc.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">keepassxc_keepassxc.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/icons/64x64/keepassxc_keepassxc.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/icons/128x128/keepassxc_keepassxc.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">keepassxc</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://keepassxc.org</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues</url>
  <url type="faq">https://keepassxc.org/docs#faq</url>
  <url type="help">https://keepassxc.org/docs</url>
  <url type="translate">https://www.transifex.com/keepassxc/keepassxc</url>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>Create, Import or Open Databases</caption>
      <image type="source" width="580" height="423">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="163">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-1_224x163.png</image>
      <caption>Organize with Groups and Entries</caption>
      <image type="source" width="580" height="423">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-2_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="163">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-2_224x163.png</image>
      <caption>Database Entry</caption>
      <image type="source" width="580" height="427">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-3_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="164">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-3_224x164.png</image>
      <caption>Icon Selection for Entry</caption>
      <image type="source" width="622" height="444">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-4_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="159">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-4_224x159.png</image>
      <caption>Password Generator</caption>
      <image type="source" width="580" height="423">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-5_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="163">org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/43446af57b2f7d2e3ff8a3913391de57/screenshots/image-5_224x163.png</image>
    <release type="stable" version="2.6.4" timestamp="1612051200">
          <li>Automatically adapt to light/dark system theme changes (Windows/macOS only) [#6034]</li>
          <li>Show window title as tooltip on system tray [#5948]</li>
          <li>Compress Snap release as LZO for faster initial startup [#5877]</li>
          <li>Password generator: Set maximum selectable password length to 999 [#5937]</li>
          <li>Fix crash on app close when using SSH agent [#5935]</li>
          <li>Fix KDF selection showing wrong item when using Argon2id [#5923]</li>
          <li>Automatically close About dialog on database lock if it is still open [#5947]</li>
          <li>Linux: Fix automatic launch at system startup with AppImages [#5901]</li>
          <li>Linux: Fix click-to-move on empty area activating when using menus [#5971]</li>
          <li>Linux: Try multiple times to show tray icon if tray is not ready yet [#5948]</li>
          <li>macOS: Fix KeePassXC blocking clean shutdown [#6002]</li>
    <release type="stable" version="2.6.3" timestamp="1610409600">
          <li>Support Argon2id KDF [#5778]</li>
          <li>Support XMLv2 key files [#5798]</li>
          <li>Improve CSV Import/Export, include time fields and TOTP [#5346]</li>
          <li>Support empty area dragging of the application window [#5860]</li>
          <li>Display default Auto-Type sequence in preview pane [#5654]</li>
          <li>Remove strict length limit on generated passwords [#5748]</li>
          <li>Hide key file path by default when unlocking database [#5779]</li>
          <li>Document browser extension use with Edge in managed mode [#5692]</li>
          <li>Windows: Prevent clipboard history and cloud sync [#5853]</li>
          <li>macOS: Update the application icon to Big Sur styling [#5851]</li>
          <li>Re-select previously selected entry on database unlock [#5559]</li>
          <li>Properly save special character choice in password generator [#5610]</li>
          <li>Fix crash in browser integration with multiple similar entries [#5653]</li>
          <li>Remove offset on username field in classic theme [#5788]</li>
          <li>Ensure entry history is copied when drag/dropping entries and groups [#5817]</li>
          <li>Close modal dialogs when database is locked [#5820]</li>
          <li>Prevent crash when KeeShare modifies an entry that is currently being edited [#5827]</li>
          <li>Improve preview of entry attributes [#5834]</li>
          <li>Always activate/focus database open dialog preventing mistype [#5878]</li>
          <li>Reports: fix calculation of average password length [#5862]</li>
          <li>Linux: Delay startup on login to correct tray icon issues [#5724]</li>
    <release type="stable" version="2.6.2" timestamp="1603238400">
          <li>Add option to keep window always on top to view menu [#5542]</li>
          <li>Move show/hide usernames and passwords to view menu [#5542]</li>
          <li>Add command line options and environment variables for changing the config locations [#5452]</li>
          <li>Include TOTP settings in CSV import/export and add support for ISO datetimes [#5346]</li>
          <li>Mask sensitive information in command execution confirmation prompt [#5542]</li>
          <li>SSH Agent: Avoid shortcut conflict on macOS by changing "Add key" to Ctrl+H on all platforms [#5484]</li>
          <li>Prevent data loss with drag and drop between databases [#5536]</li>
          <li>Fix crash when toggling Capslock rapidly [#5545]</li>
          <li>Don't mark URL references as invalid URL [#5380]</li>
          <li>Reset entry preview after search [#5483]</li>
          <li>Set Qt::Dialog flag on database open dialog [#5356]</li>
          <li>Fix sorting of database report columns [#5426]</li>
          <li>Fix IfDevice matching logic [#5344]</li>
          <li>Fix layout issues and a stray scrollbar appearing on top of the entry edit screen [#5424]</li>
          <li>Fix tabbing into the notes field [#5424]</li>
          <li>Fix password generator ignoring settings on load [#5340]</li>
          <li>Restore natural entry sort order on application load [#5438]</li>
          <li>Fix paperclip and TOTP columns not saving state [#5327]</li>
          <li>Enforce fixed password font in entry preview [#5454]</li>
          <li>Add scrollbar when new database wizard exceeds screen size [#5560]</li>
          <li>Do not mark database as modified when viewing Auto-Type associations [#5542]</li>
          <li>CLI: Fix two heap-use-after-free crashes [#5368,#5470]</li>
          <li>Browser: Fix key exchange not working with multiple simultaneous users on Windows [#5485]</li>
          <li>Browser: Fix entry retrieval when "only best matching" is enabled [#5316]</li>
          <li>Browser: Ignore recycle bin on KeePassHTTP migration [#5481]</li>
          <li>KeeShare: Fix import crash [#5542]</li>
          <li>macOS: Fix toolbar theming and breadcrumb display issues [#5482]</li>
          <li>macOS: Fix file dialog randomly closing [#5479]</li>
          <li>macOS: Fix being unable to select OPVault files for import [#5341]</li>
    <release type="stable" version="2.6.1" timestamp="1597795200">
          <li>Add menu entries for auto-typing only username or only password [#4891]</li>
          <li>Browser: Add command for retrieving current TOTP [#5278]</li>
          <li>Improve man pages [#5010]</li>
          <li>Linux: Support Xfce screen lock signals [#4971]</li>
          <li>Linux: Add OARS metadata to AppStream markup [#5031]</li>
          <li>SSH Agent: Substitute tilde with %USERPROFILE% on Windows [#5116]</li>
          <li>Improve password generator UI and UX [#5129]</li>
          <li>Do not prompt to restart if switching the theme back and forth [#5084]</li>
          <li>Change actions for F1, F2, and F3 keys [#5082]</li>
          <li>Skip referenced passwords in health check report [#5056]</li>
          <li>Check system-wide Qt translations directory for downstream translations packaging [#5064]</li>
          <li>macOS: Change password visibility toggle shortcut to Ctrl+H to avoid conflict with system shortcut [#5114]</li>
          <li>Browser: Only display domain name in browser access confirm dialog to avoid overly wide window sizes [#5214]</li>
          <li>Fix clipboard not being cleared when database is locked while timeout is still active [#5184]</li>
          <li>Fix list of previous databases not being cleared in some cases [#5123]</li>
          <li>Fix saving of non-data changes on database lock [#5210]</li>
          <li>Fix search results banner theming [#5197]</li>
          <li>Don't enforce theme palette in Classic theme mode and add hover effect for buttons [#5122,#5267]</li>
          <li>Fix label clipping in settings on high-DPI screens [#5227]</li>
          <li>Fix excessive memory usage by icons on systems with high-DPI screens [#5266]</li>
          <li>Fix crash if number of TOTP digits exceeds ten [#5106]</li>
          <li>Fix slot detection when first YubiKey is configured on the second slot [#5004]</li>
          <li>Prevent crash if focus widget gets deleted during saving [#5005]</li>
          <li>Always show buttons for opening or saving attachments [#4956]</li>
          <li>Update link to Auto-Type help [#5228]</li>
          <li>Fix build errors with Ninja [#5121]</li>
          <li>CLI: Fix db-info command wrongly labelled as db-show in usage listing [#5140]</li>
          <li>Windows: Use Classic theme by default if high-contrast mode is on [#5191]</li>
          <li>Linux: Add workaround for qt5ct bug, causing icons not to show up [#5011]</li>
          <li>Linux: Correct high-DPI display by not allowing fractional scaling [#5185]</li>
          <li>Browser: Consider subdomain and path when requesting only "best-matching credentials" [#4832]</li>
          <li>SSH Agent: Always forget all keys on lock [#5115]</li>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.0"/>