⇦ | fwupd [community]
Last updated on: 2022-08-17 02:09 [UTC]

Metadata for fwupd in community

org.freedesktop.fwupd - 1.7.1-r2 ⚙ aarch64

<component type="console-application">
  <summary>Update device firmware on Linux</summary>
      This project aims to make updating firmware on Linux automatic, safe and
      You can either use a GUI software manager like GNOME Software to view and
      apply updates, the command-line tool or the D-Bus interface directly.
      The fwupd process is a system daemon to allow session software to update
      device firmware on your local machine.
      It is designed for desktops, but this project is also usable on phones,
      tablets and on headless servers.
  <url type="homepage">https://fwupd.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/fwupd/fwupd/issues</url>
  <url type="translate">https://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/fwupd/</url>
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    <release type="stable" version="1.7.1" timestamp="1635724800">
          This release adds the following features:
          <li>Allow specifying 'fwupdmgr device-test foo --json' for unattended testing</li>
          <li>Allow using a filename when using set-approved-firmware</li>
          <li>Inhibit ModemManager device in mbim-qdu</li>
          <li>Share the Common Flash Memory Interface quirks between plugins</li>
          <li>Show changes in HSI attributes when using 'fwupdmgr security'</li>
          <li>Show the user a warning if updating may affect full-disk-encryption</li>
          <li>Show translated firmware release notes when provided</li>
          <li>Support loading remotes from /var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>Fix a CCGX regression when loading firmware</li>
          <li>Fix a potential crash when dumping Parade devices</li>
          <li>Fix build error when sys/io.h is not available</li>
          <li>Fix building the Synaptics RMI self tests on s390x</li>
          <li>Fix the CSME CVE detection for new generations</li>
          <li>Handle EPERM when running the self tests on systems with IPMI</li>
          <li>Mark as SUPPORTED even if on battery power</li>
          <li>Only save the HSI attributes to the database if different</li>
          <li>Raise the client timeout value from 25 seconds to fix Redfish startup</li>
          <li>Redirect the old HSI links to the correct place</li>
          <li>Relax the ITE SuperIO signature checks for new hardware support</li>
          <li>Set device time and timezone for logitech bulkcontroller devices</li>
          <li>Set the verfmt of the returned device when the daemon device is unset</li>
        <p>This release adds support for the following hardware:</p>
          <li>Dell Atomic Dock</li>
          <li>HP Thunderbolt Dock G4</li>
          <li>More PixArt devices</li>
          <li>Steelseries Stratus</li>
          <li>Wacom 3rd-gen Intuos BT</li>
    <release type="stable" version="1.7.0" timestamp="1633478400">
          This release adds the following features:
          <li>Add FuCfuPayload and FuCfuOffer for future usage</li>
          <li>Add support for an 'unreachable' device flag</li>
          <li>Add support for Logitech devices supporting the Unified Battery feature</li>
          <li>Allow adding GUIDs to each HSI security attribute</li>
          <li>Allow installing the LVFS remote, but with it disabled by default</li>
          <li>Convert security attributes to JSON and write then to the database</li>
          <li>Convert the device test script to a fwupdmgr subcommand</li>
          <li>Create Redfish user accounts automatically using IPMI</li>
          <li>Use an interactive request to restart some Logitech DFU devices</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>Abort on invalid SREC files early to avoid a fuzzing timeout</li>
          <li>Allow using interrupt transfers for HID devices</li>
          <li>Allow waiting for multiple devices to replug</li>
          <li>Fix a critical warning on a Unifying flash failure</li>
          <li>Fix a regression in flashing the Dell dock</li>
          <li>Fix Thunderbolt host controller probing</li>
          <li>Forcefully set checksums found in cabinet files to lowercase</li>
          <li>Force UX-capsule over full size BGRT</li>
          <li>Make the SuperIO ports and timeouts specific to the DMI model</li>
          <li>Only probe SynapticsMST devices that have opted-in</li>
          <li>Remove support for --ignore-power as it did not work for UEFI firmware</li>
          <li>Reset the CMOS as required when changing system firmware branch</li>
          <li>Restart the daemon if any of the the plugin config files are modified</li>
          <li>Show HSiLevel=0 attributes in JSON security output</li>
          <li>Update the child composite ID if the parent changes</li>
          <li>Use a per-device global percentage completion</li>
          <li>Write the BMP image upside down to avoid using a negative bitmap height</li>
        <p>This release adds support for the following hardware:</p>
          <li>A huge number of Synaptics CAPE devices</li>
          <li>Elan fingerprint readers</li>
          <li>Logitech Bolt peripherals, receivers and radio hardware</li>
          <li>Logitech devices supporting the bulk controller protocol</li>
          <li>More supported PixArt devices</li>
          <li>More supported StarBook coreboot devices</li>
          <li>Union Point SPI hardware</li>
    <release type="stable" version="1.6.2" timestamp="1627862400">
          This release adds the following features:
          <li>Add a plugin to check Lenovo firmware settings</li>
          <li>Add initial support for the powerd daemon</li>
          <li>Add support for CapsuleOnDisk</li>
          <li>Add support for installing UEFI updates from GRUB</li>
          <li>Add support for soft-requirements that can be ignored with --force</li>
          <li>Allow devices to only accept version upgrades</li>
          <li>Allow discovery of Redfish BMCs specified by VID-PID or MAC</li>
          <li>Allow the daemon to request interactive action from the end user</li>
          <li>Automatically connect the BMC network interface at startup</li>
          <li>Show the build timestamp if set on the device</li>
          <li>Show the user how to switch out of Wacom tablet Android-mode</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>Add the alternate vendor name into the 8BitDo allowlist</li>
          <li>Allow multiple devices to set WAIT_FOR_REPLUG</li>
          <li>Allow the client to watch for more property changes</li>
          <li>Always ensure the SuperIO version string is NUL terminated</li>
          <li>Automatically clear the update error as required</li>
          <li>Disable all UX capsules for Lenovo hardware</li>
          <li>Do not assume the metainfo file is NUL-terminated</li>
          <li>Do not save invalid files on LVFS server error</li>
          <li>Fix a VLI regression in enumerating the PD device</li>
          <li>Fix a VLI regression when installing VL820Q7 firmware</li>
          <li>Fix enumeration of the Synaptics Prometheus config child</li>
          <li>Fix parsing Redfish USB/PCI network VID/PIDs</li>
          <li>Fix the fwupdmgr progressbar spinner to actually work</li>
          <li>Fix version number for legacy Wacom Bluetooth modules</li>
          <li>Ignore virtual M.2 ATA devices</li>
          <li>Preserve NEEDS_REBOOT on successful update</li>
          <li>Prevent a corrupt PHAT table from allocating lots of memory</li>
          <li>Read the Redfish SMBIOS table when required</li>
          <li>Remove the vendor string from the device name where required</li>
          <li>Save the update state to the database correctly all of the time</li>
          <li>Switch from sysctl to ioctl for ESRT on FreeBSD</li>
          <li>Try reading from /sys/class/dmi if SMBIOS direct access fails</li>
          <li>Watch for children added or removed after setup has been completed</li>
          <li>Work around a XCC-ism on Lenovo hardware</li>
        <p>This release adds support for the following hardware:</p>
          <li>ModemManager devices supporting Firehose or MBIM QDU</li>
          <li>More models of RTS54HUB</li>
          <li>More Poly DFU devices</li>
          <li>Parade LSPCON</li>
          <li>PixArt receiver and wireless hardware</li>
          <li>Realtek MST with RTD2142</li>
          <li>SuperIO IT5570</li>
          <li>USB4 Dell dock</li>
    <release type="stable" version="1.6.1" timestamp="1623628800">
          This release adds the following features:
          <li>Add FreeBSD UEFI Capsule support</li>
          <li>Add generic ModemManager support for PCI based modems</li>
          <li>Add initial support for USB4 module in the Dell dock</li>
          <li>Add support for sibling requirements</li>
          <li>Add support for the ACPI PHAT table</li>
          <li>Allow building the documentation with gi-docgen and gtk-doc</li>
          <li>Support binary artifact resources in cabinet archives</li>
          <li>Use GProxyResolver to get the system proxy setting for a given URL</li>
        <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>
          <li>Ask the user to confirm all CLI actions</li>
          <li>Check the versions of libfwupd and libfwupdplugin at startup</li>
          <li>Do not prevent firmware updates on desktop hardware</li>
          <li>Do not show an invalid DFU warning on attach</li>
          <li>Fail parsing if wacom firmware sections are not in sorted order</li>
          <li>Fall back to binary files when flashing STM32 hardware</li>
          <li>Fix a critical warning when downloading files</li>
          <li>Fix a possible critical warning due to a bug in type casting</li>
          <li>Fix a regression in updating the WD19TB dock</li>
          <li>Fix GUID generation on pixart hardware</li>
          <li>Fix the VLI i2c device enumeration, e.g. MSP430</li>
          <li>Follow HTTP 3XX redirects when downloading files</li>
          <li>Force the device locker to close() an aborted open()</li>
          <li>Handle bsdisks' UDisks2 implementation on FreeBSD</li>
          <li>Only lock fwupdtool when loading the engine</li>
          <li>Read current Wacom firmware index before finding image to write</li>
          <li>Support all hash types when loading cabinet archives</li>
          <li>Support mirroring the detach and update images</li>
          <li>Switch lock directory from /var/run to /run/lock</li>
        <p>This release adds support for the following hardware:</p>
          <li>Minibons devices</li>
          <li>More 8BitDo hardware</li>
          <li>More Synaptics Prometheus hardware</li>
          <li>RTD21xx devices in background mode</li>
          <li>Some Kingston SSD and NVMe hardware</li>
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