⇦ | gedit-plugins [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-10 02:02 [UTC]

Hints for gedit-plugins in community

gedit-codecomment ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-codecomment
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-codecomment
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :52 - Comment out or uncomment a selected block of code.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :55 - Ghi chú tắt hay hủy ghi chú tắt một khối mã được chọn.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :56 - Коментування позначеного блоку коду та зняття коментування з нього.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :57 - Seçilen kod bloğunu açıklama olarak imle ya da açıklama imini kaldır.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :59 - ఎంపికచేసిన కోడ్ బ్లాకును వ్యాఖ్యానమువలె వుంచుము లేదా వ్యాఖ్యానము తీసివేయుము.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - குறிப்பு வெளியே அல்லது குறிப்பில்லாத ஒரு தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட தொகுதி குறியீடு.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :61 - Kommentera ut eller avkommentera ett markerat kodblock.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :62 - Dodajte ili poništite primedbu kodnog bloka.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - Додајте или поништите примедбу кодног блока.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Dodaj ali odstrani opombo k izbrani kodi.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :65 - Zakomentovanie alebo odkomentovanie vybraného bloku kódu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - Комментирование выбранного блока кода.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :67 - Activează sau dezactivează comentarea blocului selectat de cod.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - Comenta ou descomenta um determinado bloco de código.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :69 - Comentar ou remover comentário de bloco de código selecionado.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - Pozwala komentować lub odkomentować zaznaczony blok kodu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :73 - Comentar o descomentar un blòt de còdi seleccionat.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :74 - Een blok code van commentaar voorzien of uit commentaar halen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :75 - निवडलेल्या कोड भाग करीता टिपण्णी शक्य करा किंवा टिपण्णी अशक्य करा.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :76 - തെരഞ്ഞടുത്തിരിക്കുന്ന കോഡുകളുടെ ബ്ലോക്ക് കമന്റ് അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ അണ്‍കമന്റ് ചെയ്യുക.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :77 - Aizkomentē vai atkomentē izvēlēto koda daļu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :78 - Komentuoti ar atkomentuoti pažymėtą kodo bloką.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :79 - 지정한 블럭의 코드를 주석으로 만들거나 해제합니다.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :80 - ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಸಂಕೇತದ ಖಂಡವನ್ನು ಗುರುತು ಹಾಕಿ ಅಥವ ಗುರುತು ಹಾಕಿದ್ದನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಿ.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :82 - Commenta o de-commenta un blocco di codice selezionato.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :84 - Jadikan komentar atau jangan jadikan komentar blok kode yang dipilih.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :86 - Komentirajte ili uklonite komentar sa odabranog bloka kôda.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :88 - סימון או ביטול סימון כהערה למקטע קוד נבחר.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :89 - કોડનાં પસંદ થયેલ બ્લોકની ટિપ્પણી ન કરો અથવા ટિપ્પણીમાંથી બહાર નીકળો.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :90 - Comenta ou descomenta un bloque de código descomentado.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :91 - Comente o gjave il coment a un bloc di codiç selezionât.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :92 - Commenter ou décommenter un bloc de code sélectionné.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :93 - Kommentoi tai poista kommentit valitusta lähdekoodin alueesta.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :94 - Jarri edo kendu iruzkina hautatutako kodearen blokeari.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :96 - Comentar o descomentar un bloque de código seleccionado.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :97 - Comment out or uncomment a selected block of code.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :98 - Comment out or uncomment a selected block of code.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :99 - Σχολιάστε και αποσχολιάστε ένα επιλεγμένο τμήμα κώδικα.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :101 - Einen markierten Quelltextabsatz auskommentieren oder wieder entkommentieren.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :102 - Kommentér eller udkommentér den valgte kodeblok.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :103 - Zakomentovat nebo odkomentovat vybraný blok kódu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :104 - Comenteu o traieu els comentaris del bloc de codi seleccionat.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :105 - Comenteu o traieu els comentaris del bloc de codi seleccionat.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :106 - Komentiraj ili odkomentiraj selektirani blok koda.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :108 - Превръщане на част от кода в коментар и обратно.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :109 - Zakamentuj ci adkamentuj zaznačany blok kodu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :110 - Дазваляе закаментаваць або раскаментаваць вылучаны блок кода.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :112 - ضع أو احذف علامة التعليق من على جزء منتقى من الكود.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-bracketcompletion ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-bracketcompletion
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-bracketcompletion
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :56 - Automatically adds closing brackets.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :59 - Tự động thêm dấu ngoặc đóng.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - Автоматичне додавання завершальних дужок.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :61 - Parantez kapanışını kendiliğinden ekler.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - Lägger automatiskt till avslutande parenteser.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Sam dodaje zatvarajuće zagrade.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :65 - Сам додаје затварајуће заграде.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :67 - Automatické pridávanie pravých zátvoriek.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - Автоматическое добавление закрывающей скобки.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :69 - Adaugă automat paranteze închise.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - Fecha parênteses automaticamente.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :71 - Adiciona automaticamente fecho de chavetas.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :72 - Automatycznie dodaje nawiasy zamykające.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :74 - Apondre automaticament las parentèsis tampantas.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :75 - Voegt automatisch ‘haakjes sluiten’ toe.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :76 - स्वयं बंद करण्याजोगी ब्रॅकेट समावेष करा.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :77 - Automātiski pievieno aizverošās iekavas.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :78 - Automatiškai prideda užveriančius skliaustus.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :79 - 자동으로 닫는 각괄호를 추가합니다.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :80 - Жабатын жақшаны автоматты түрде қосады.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :81 - დამხურავი ფრჩხილების ავტომატური დამატება.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :84 - Bætir sjálfkrafa við endasvigunum.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :85 - Otomatis menambah kurung tutup.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :86 - Automatikusan hozzáadja a záró zárójeleket.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :87 - Automatski zatvara zagrade.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :89 - הוספת סוגר לסגירה.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :90 - બંધ કરતા કૌંસો ઓપોઆપ ઉમેરાય છે.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :91 - Engadir automaticamente peches de parénteses.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :92 - Al zonte in automatic lis parentesis sieradis.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :93 - Ajouter automatiquement les parenthèses fermantes.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :94 - Lisää suluille pääte automaattisesti.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :95 - Automatikoki gehitzen ditu itxierako parentesiak.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :96 - Añadir automáticamente cierres de paréntesis.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :97 - Aŭtomate aldoni fermantajn krampojn.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :98 - Automatically adds closing brackets.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :99 - Automatically adds closing brackets.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :100 - Συμπληρώνει αυτόματα τις αγκύλες.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :102 - Fügt automatisch schließende Klammern hinzu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :103 - Tilføjer automatisk afsluttende klammer.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :104 - Automaticky přidává zavírací závorky.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :105 - Afig claudàtors de tancada automàticament.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :106 - Afegeix claudàtors de tancada automàticament.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :107 - Automatski dodaj zatvorene zagrade.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :108 - Aŭtamatyčna dadaje kancavyja dužki.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :109 - Аўтаматычна дадае закрывальныя дужкі.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :111 - يغلق الأقواس آليا.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-smartspaces ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-smartspaces
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-smartspaces
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :50 - Forget you’re not using tabulations.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :52 - Забудьте, що ви не використовуєте табуляції.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :53 - Listeleme kullanmıyorsanız unutun.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :54 - Glöm att du inte använder tabulatorer.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :55 - Заборавите да не користите табулаторе.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :56 - Pozabite, da tabulatorji niso v uporabi.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :57 - Zabudnite, že nepoužívate tabulátory.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :58 - Забудьте о том, что вы не пользуетесь табуляцией.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :59 - Uită că nu folosești tabulatoare.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - Esqueça que não está usando tabulações.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :61 - Esqueça que não está usando tabulações.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :62 - Tabulacja nie jest już potrzebna.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - Vergeet dat u geen tabs gebruikt.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Aizmirstiet, ka neizmantojat tabulatorus.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :65 - Pamiršti, kad nenaudojate tabuliacijų.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - 탭 문자를 알아서 넣습니다.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :67 - Dimentica che non sono uso le tabulazioni.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - Lupa bahwa Anda tidak menggunakan tabulasi.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :69 - Felejtse el, hogy nem használ tabokat.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - Zaboravite da ne koristite tabulatore.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :72 - לשכוח שאין לך שימוש בטאבים.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :73 - Dismentee che no tu stâs doprant lis tabulazions.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :74 - Oubliez que vous n’utilisez pas les tabulations.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :75 - Ahaztu tabulazioak ez zarela erabiltzen ari.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :76 - Olvidar que no está usando tabulaciones.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :77 - Vergessen Sie, dass Sie keine Einzüge benutzen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :78 - Brug mellemrum som var de tabulatorstop.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :79 - Zapomeňte, že nepoužíváte tabulátory.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :80 - Oblideu-vos que no utilitzeu les tabulacions.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :81 - Забудзьцеся, што не карыстаецеся табуляцыямі.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-colorpicker ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-colorpicker
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-colorpicker
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - Pick a color from a dialog and insert its hexadecimal representation.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - Chọn một màu trong hộp thoại và chèn đại diện thập lục của nó.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :67 - Виберіть колір з діалогового вікна або вкажіть його шістнадцяткове представлення.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - İletişim penceresinden renk seç ve onaltılık gösterimini ekle.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - డైలాగునుండి వర్ణమును యెంచుకొని దాని హెక్సాడెసిమల్ రూపాన్ని చేర్చుము.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :72 - Välj en färg från en dialog och infoga dess hexadecimala motsvarighet.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :73 - Izaberite boju iz prozorčeta i ubacite njeno heksadecimalno predstavljanje.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :74 - Изаберите боју из прозорчета и убаците њено хексадецимално представљање.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :75 - Izberi barvo iz pogovornega okna in jo vstavi v šestnajstiškem zapisu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :76 - Výber farby z dialógu a vloženie jej kódu v šestnástkovej sústave.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :77 - Выбор цвета и вставка его шестнадцатиричного представления.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :78 - Alegeți o culoare dintr-un dialog și introduceți reprezentarea ei hexazecimală.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :79 - Insere a representação hexadecimal de uma cor selecionada num diálogo.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :80 - Escolher uma cor a partir de um diálogo e inserir a sua representação hexadecimal.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :81 - Wybiera kolor z okna dialogowego i wstawia jego szesnastkowy odpowiednik.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :85 - Een kleur uit een dialoogvenster kiezen en de hexadecimale representatie ervan invoegen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :86 - संवाद पासून रंग निवडा व त्याचे hexadecimal रूप अंतर्भूत करा.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :87 - ഡയലോഗില്‍ നിന്നും ഒരു നിറം തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്തു് അതിനുചിതമായ ഹെക്സാ ഡെസിമല്‍ നല്‍കുക.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :88 - Izvēlēties krāsu dialoglodziņā un ievietot tekstā tās heksadecimālo kodu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :89 - Pasirinkti spalvą iš dialogo ir įterpti jos šešioliktainę išraišką.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :90 - 대화 상자에서 색을 골라 그 16진수 표현을 입력합니다.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :91 - ಸಂವಾದದಿಂದ ಒಂದು ಬಣ್ಣವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ ಹಾಗು ಅದರ ಹೆಕ್ಸಾದಶಮಾಂಶ ಪ್ರತಿನಿಧಿಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :93 - Seleziona un colore da un dialogo e inserisce la sua rappresentazione esadecimale.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :94 - Veldu lit úr valmynd og settu inn hex-gildi litarins.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :95 - Memilih warna dari dialog dan menyisipkan representasi heksadesimalnya.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :96 - Szín választása párbeszédablakból, és hexadecimális ábrázolásának beszúrása.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :97 - Odaberite boju iz dijaloga i umetnite njen heksadecimalni prikaz.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :99 - נא לבחור בצבע מתיבת הדו־שיח ולהוסיף את הייצוג ההקסדצימלי שלו.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :100 - સંવાદ માંથી રંગને પસંદ કરો અને તેની હેક્ઝાડેશીમલ રજૂઆતને દાખલ કરો.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :101 - Escolle unha cor dende un diálogo e insire a súa representación hexadecimal.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :102 - Sielç un colôr di un dialic e inserìs la sô rapresentazion esadecimâl.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :103 - Choisir une couleur dans une boîte de dialogue et l’insérer sous sa forme hexadécimale.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :104 - Valitse väri ikkunasta ja syötä tekstiin sen heksadesimaaliesitys.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :105 - Hautatu kolore bat elkarrizketa-koadrotik eta txertatu bere adierazpen hamaseitarra.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :107 - Escoger un color del diálogo e inserte su notación hexadecimal.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :108 - Pick a colour from a dialogue and insert its hexadecimal representation.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :109 - Pick a colour from a dialogue and insert its hexadecimal representation.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :110 - Επιλέξτε ένα χρώμα από τον διάλογο και εισάγετε τη δεκαεξαδική του αναπαράσταση.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :112 - Wählen Sie eine Farbe aus einem Dialog und fügen Sie deren Hexadezimal-Darstellung ein.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :113 - Vælg en farve i en dialog og indsæt dens hexadecimale værdi.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :114 - Vyběr barvy v dialogovém okně a vložení jejího šestnáctkového vyjádření.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :115 - Seleccioneu un color mitjançant un diàleg i inseriu-ne el codi hexadecimal.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :116 - Seleccioneu un color mitjançant un diàleg i inseriu-ne el codi hexadecimal.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :117 - Izaberite kutiju iz dijaloga i ubaci njen heksadecimalni prikaz.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :119 - Избор на цвят от диалогов прозорец и вмъкване на шестдесетичното му представяне.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :120 - Abiraj koler u dyjalohavym aknie dy ŭstaŭlaj jahonaje šasnaccatkovaje vyjaŭleńnie.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :121 - Выбар колеру з дыялогавага акна і ўстаўка яго шаснаццатковага азначэння.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :123 - التقط لون من صندوق حوار وادرج تمثيله الست عشري.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-terminal ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-terminal
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-terminal
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :52 - Embed a terminal in the bottom panel.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :54 - Вбудовування термінала до нижньої панелі.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :55 - Alt bölmeye uçbirim göm.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :56 - Bädda in en terminal i bottenpanelen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :57 - Vgradi terminal v spodnji pult.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :58 - Добавление окна терминала на нижнюю панель.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :59 - Embutir um terminal no painel inferior.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - Terminál beágyazása az alsó panelre.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :62 - הטמעת מסוף בלוח התחתון.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - Terminal in die untere Leiste einbetten.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Vložení terminálu do dolního panelu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :65 - Тэрмінал, убудаваны ў ніжнюю панэль.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-drawspaces ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-drawspaces
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-drawspaces
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :53 - Draw spaces and tabs.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :55 - Візуалізація пробілів і табуляцій.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :56 - Sekmeleri ve boşlukları çiz.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :57 - Rita ut blanksteg och tabulatorer.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :58 - Izriši presledke in tabulatorje.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :59 - Показать пробелы и символы табуляции.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - Desenhar espaços e tabuladores.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :61 - Szóközök és tabulátorok megjelenítése.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - ציור רווחים וטאבים.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Leerzeichen und Einzüge anzeigen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :65 - Vykresluje mezery a tabulátory.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - Паказ прабелаў і знакаў табуляцыі.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-wordcompletion ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-wordcompletion
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-wordcompletion
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - Auto-completion using words already present in open documents.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :62 - Автоматичне доповнення на основі слів, які вже є у відкрити документах.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - Belgede zaten var olan sözcükleri kullanarak kendiliğinden tamamlama.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Automatisk komplettering med ord som redan finns i öppna dokument.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :65 - Samodejno dokončanje z besedami, ki so že prisotne v dokumentu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - Автоматическое дополнение на основе слов, присутствующих в открытых документах.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :67 - Propor o preenchimento automático usando palavras já presentes em documentos abertos.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - Automatikus kiegészítés a megnyitott dokumentumokban már meglévő szavak használatával.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - מציע השלמה אוטומטית בשימוש מילים שכבר מופיעות במסמך.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :71 - Auto-Vervollständigung unter Verwendung von Wörtern, die in offenen Dokumenten bereits vorhanden sind.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :72 - Automatické doplnění podle slov, která se již vyskytují v otevřených dokumentech.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :73 - Аўтаматычнае дапаўненне, выкарыстоўваюцца словы, якія ўжо прысутнічаюць у адкрытым дакуменце.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-bookmarks ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-bookmarks
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-bookmarks
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :88 - Easy document navigation with bookmarks.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :90 - Проста навігація документом за допомогою закладок.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :91 - Yer imleri aracılığıyla belgelerde kolay gezinme.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :92 - Enkel dokumentnavigering med bokmärken.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :93 - Enostavno upravljanje dokumentov z zaznamki.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :94 - Простое перемещение по документу с помощью закладок.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :95 - Navegar por documentos facilmente com marcadores.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :96 - Egyszerű dokumentumnavigáció könyvjelzőkkel.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :98 - ניווט פשוט במסמכים עם סימניות.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :99 - Einfache Navigation im Dokument mittels Lesezeichen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :100 - Jednoduché procházení dokumentem pomocí záložek.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :101 - Простая навігацыя па дакуменце з дапамогай закладак.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-charmap ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-charmap
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-charmap
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :55 - Insert special characters just by clicking on them.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :58 - Chèn ký tự đặc biệt bằng cách đơn giản nhấn vào nó.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :59 - Вставлення спеціальних символів клацанням на їхніх кнопках.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - Yalnızca üstlerine tıklayarak özel karakterler ekle.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :62 - ప్రత్యేక అక్షరములను వాటిపై నొక్కుట ద్వారా చేర్చుము.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - குறிப்பிட்ட எழுத்துக்களை அவற்றை கிளிக் செய்து உள்நுழைக்கவும்.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Infoga specialtecken genom att klicka på dem.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :65 - Ubacite posebne znakove jednostavnim klikom na njih.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - Убаците посебне знакове једноставним кликом на њих.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :67 - Vstavljanje posebnih znakov le s klikom nanje.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - Špeciálne znaky vložíte jednoducho kliknutím na ne.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :69 - Вставка специальных символов простым нажатием.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - Introduceți caractere speciale doar printr-un clic.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :71 - Insere caracteres especiais apenas clicando neles.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :72 - Insere caracteres especiais ao clicar nestes.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :73 - Wstawia znaki specjalne po ich kliknięciu.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :76 - Inserir de caractèrs especials juste en clicant dessús.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :77 - Speciale tekens en symbolen invoegen door erop te klikken.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :78 - क्लिक करून विशेष अक्षर अंतर्भूत करा.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :79 - പ്രത്യേക അക്ഷരങ്ങളില്‍ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്തു് അവ ചേര്‍ക്കുക.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :80 - Ar klikšķu palīdzību ļauj ievietot speciālās rakstzīmes.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :81 - Įterpti specialiuosius simbolius tiesiog spaudžiant ant jų.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :82 - 마우스로 눌러 특수 문자를 입력합니다.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :83 - ವಿಶೇಷ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡುವುದರಿಂದ ಅವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :85 - Inserisce dei caratteri speciali semplicemente facendoci clic.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :86 - Setur inn sértákn með því að smella á þau.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :87 - Sisipkan karakter khusus hanya dengan mengkliknya.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :89 - Umeće posebne znakove klikom na njih.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :92 - તેઓની પક ફક્ત ક્લિક કરવા દ્દારા ચોક્કસ અક્ષરોને દાખલ કરો.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :93 - Insire caracteres especiais só con facer clic neles.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :94 - Inserìs caratars speciâi juste fasint clic su di lôr.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :95 - Insérer des caractères spéciaux juste en cliquant dessus.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :96 - Lisää erikoismerkkejä napsauttamalla niitä.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :97 - Txertatu karaktere bereziak haien gainean klik eginez.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :98 - Erimärkide lisamine neile klõpsamise teel.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :99 - Inserte caracteres especiales tan sólo pulsando en ellos.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :100 - Enmeti specialan signon simmple per alklaki ĝin.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :101 - Insert special characters just by clicking on them.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :102 - Insert special characters just by clicking on them.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :103 - Τοποθετήστε ειδικούς χαρακτήρες κάνοντας απλά κλικ πάνω τους.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :105 - Sonderzeichen durch einfaches Anklicken einfügen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :106 - Indsæt specialtegn ved blot at klikke på dem.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :107 - Vkládání speciálních znaků pouhým kliknutím.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :108 - Inseriu caràcters especials fent-hi clic.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :109 - Inseriu caràcters especials fent-hi clic.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :110 - Umetni posebne karaktere samo klikanjem na njih.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :113 - Ustaŭlaj specyjalnyja znaki, klikajučy ich.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :114 - Устаўляе спецыяльныя сімвалы націсканнем мышы.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :116 - أدرج محارف خاصة بمجرد النقر عليهم.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-multiedit ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-multiedit
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-multiedit
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :50 - Edit document in multiple places at once.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :52 - Редагування декількох місць документа одночасно.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :53 - Belgeyi aynı anda birden çok yerde düzenle.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :54 - Redigera dokument på flera ställen samtidigt.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :55 - Uredi dokument na več mestih hkrati.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :56 - Редактирование документа в нескольких местах одновременно.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :57 - Editar documento em vários locais simultâneamente.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :58 - Dokumentum szerkesztése egyszerre több helyen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :60 - עריכת מסמך במספר מקומות בו זמנית.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :61 - Dokument an mehreren Stellen gleichzeitig bearbeiten.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :62 - Úprava dokumentu na více místech současně.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :63 - Рэдагаванне дакумента адразу ў некалькіх месцах.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).

gedit-joinlines ⚙ aarch64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    :4 - gedit-joinlines
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    :4 - gedit-joinlines
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - Join several lines or split long ones.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - Об'єднання декількох рядків або поділ довгих рядків.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :69 - Birkaç satırı birleştir ya da uzun olanları böl.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - Sammanfoga flera rader eller dela långa rader.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :71 - Združi več vrstic ali razdeli predolge vrstice.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :72 - Объединение нескольких строк текста и разбивка длинных строк.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :73 - Juntar várias linhas ou dividir linhas longas.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :74 - Több sor egyesítése, vagy hosszúak szétvágása.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :76 - צירוף מספר שורות או פיצול שורות ארוכות.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :77 - Mehrere Zeilen zusammenfügen oder lange Zeilen umbrechen.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :78 - Spojí několik řádků nebo rozdělí dlouhé řádky.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :79 - Спалучэнне некалькі радкоў і разбіванне доўгіх радкоў.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).