⇦ | blackbox-terminal [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for blackbox-terminal in community

com.raggesilver.BlackBox - 0.14.0-r1 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <name>Black Box</name>
  <name xml:lang="cs">Black Box</name>
  <name xml:lang="de">Black Box</name>
  <name xml:lang="es">Black Box</name>
  <name xml:lang="fr">Boîte Noire</name>
  <name xml:lang="it">Scatola nera</name>
  <name xml:lang="nl">Black Box</name>
  <name xml:lang="pt_BR">Black Box</name>
  <name xml:lang="ru">Чёрный Ящик</name>
  <name xml:lang="sv">Black Box</name>
  <name xml:lang="tr">Kara Kutu</name>
  <name xml:lang="zh_CN">Black Box</name>
  <summary>A beautiful GTK 4 terminal</summary>
  <developer_name>Paulo Queiroz</developer_name>
      Black Box is a native terminal emulator for GNOME that offers superb
      theming options.
    <p>With Black Box you can:</p>
      <li>Set colors schemes and integrate them with the rest of the window</li>
      <li>Customize font and size</li>
      <li>Customize keyboard shortcuts</li>
      <li>Render Sixel escape sequences</li>
      <li>Fully hide the window headerbar</li>
      <li>Quickly open links and files by ctrl+clicking file paths and URLs</li>
      <li>Easily paste file paths by dragging them into the window</li>
    <p>This app is written in Vala and uses GTK 4, libadwaita, and VTE.</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">com.raggesilver.BlackBox.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">com/raggesilver/BlackBox/b7d86e7b9fc99a77fee7e6e9e1611178/icons/48x48/blackbox-terminal_com.raggesilver.BlackBox.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">blackbox-terminal_com.raggesilver.BlackBox.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">com/raggesilver/BlackBox/b7d86e7b9fc99a77fee7e6e9e1611178/icons/64x64/blackbox-terminal_com.raggesilver.BlackBox.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">com/raggesilver/BlackBox/b7d86e7b9fc99a77fee7e6e9e1611178/icons/128x128/blackbox-terminal_com.raggesilver.BlackBox.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">com.raggesilver.BlackBox</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://gitlab.gnome.org/raggesilver/blackbox</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://gitlab.gnome.org/raggesilver/blackbox/issues</url>
  <url type="help">https://gitlab.gnome.org/raggesilver/blackbox/issues</url>
  <url type="donation">https://www.patreon.com/raggesilver</url>
  <url type="translate">https://gitlab.gnome.org/raggesilver/blackbox/issues</url>
  <keywords xml:lang="cs">
    <keyword>příkazový řádek</keyword>
  <keywords xml:lang="de">
  <keywords xml:lang="es">
  <keywords xml:lang="fr">
    <keyword>ligne de commande</keyword>
  <keywords xml:lang="it">
  <keywords xml:lang="nl">
  <keywords xml:lang="pt_BR">
  <keywords xml:lang="ru">
    <keyword>командная строка</keyword>
  <keywords xml:lang="sv">
  <keywords xml:lang="tr">
    <keyword>komut satırı</keyword>
  <keywords xml:lang="zh_CN">
    <release type="stable" version="0.14.0" timestamp="1689552000">
          <li>Added new default Adwaita and Adwaita Dark color schemes</li>
          <li>You can now customize the working directory for new tabs. It can be set to persist the
            last tab's directory, the user's home directory, or an arbitrary location</li>
          <li>Closing a tab or a window that still has a running process will now prompt you for
          <li>Black Box now uses the default Adwaita tab style. As consequence, some header bar
            options, including "Show Borders" have been removed from the preferences window</li>
          <li>Added the option to disable terminal bell</li>
          <li>Added option to use bright colors for bold text</li>
          <li>You can now get a desktop notification when a process completes on an unfocussed tab</li>
          <li>Context-aware header bar: the header bar can now have special colors when the active
            tab is running sudo or ssh</li>
          <li>Added open and copy link options to the right-click menu</li>
          <li>You can now rename tabs with the new tab right-click menu, or with a new shortcut
            Shift + Control + R</li>
          <li>Added a quick application style switcher to the window menu</li>
          <li>Some configuration options have been grouped together in the preferences
          <li>Application title is now bold when there's a single tab open</li>
          <li>Performance and bundle size optimizations</li>
          <li>Black Box now has more Flatpak permissions to overcome errors reported by users</li>
        <p>Bug fixes</p>
          <li>Fixed an issue that caused terminals not to be destroyed when their tabs were closed</li>
          <li>Improved keybinding validation, allowing more valid key combinations to be used</li>
          <li>The window title is now centered when there's only one tab</li>
          <li>Sixel is now disabled for VTE builds that don't support it. This primarily affects non-Flatpak users, as all Flatpak builds ship VTE with Sixel support</li>
          <li>Fixed an issue that caused windows launched with custom commands to not have a title</li>
          <li>Black Box will now show an error banner if spawning a shell or custom command failed and will no longer close immediately</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.13.2" timestamp="1674086400">
          <li>Added support for setting multiple shortcuts for the same action</li>
          <li>You can now reset one, or all custom shortcuts back to default</li>
          <li>Added a warning if "Unlimited" scrollback mode is active</li>
        <p>Bug fixes</p>
          <li>Added workaround for an error that would cause Black Box to crash</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.13.1" timestamp="1673827200">
          <li>New Scrollback Mode allows you to set scrollback to a fixed number of lines, unlimited lines, or disable scrollback altogether</li>
          <li>Allow setting font style (regular, light, bold, etc)</li>
          <li>Updated French, Italian, and Turkish translations</li>
        <p>Bug fixes</p>
          <li>Added missing "Open Preferences" shortcut to help overlay</li>
          <li>Header bar and tabs are now properly colored when the app is unfocussed</li>
          <li>Fixed regression in window border color when "Show Borders" is enabled</li>
          <li>Window border is no longer displayed when Black Box is docked left, right, or maximized</li>
          <li>Improved keybinding validation, allowing more valid key combinations to be used</li>
          <li>Tab navigation shortcuts now work as expected</li>
          <li>Fixed default "Reset Zoom" keybinding</li>
          <li>Fixed issue that prevented development builds of Black Box from running when installed via Flatpak</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.13.0" timestamp="1673568000">
          The latest version of Black Box brings much awaited new features and
          bug fixes.
          <li>Customizable keyboard shortcuts</li>
          <li>Background transparency</li>
          <li>Customizable cursor blinking mode</li>
          <li>Experimental sixel support</li>
        <p>Bug fixes</p>
          <li>Manually set VTE_VERSION environment variable - fixes compatibility with a few terminal programs</li>
          <li>Copying text outside the current scroll view now works correctly</li>
          <li>Scrolling with a touchpad or touchscreen now works as intended</li>
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