⇦ | geopard [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for geopard in community

com.ranfdev.Geopard - 1.6.0-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>Browse Gemini pages</summary>
    <p>Geopard is a browser for the Gemini protocol, that is, a lighter alternative to the web.
       Use Geopard to browse the space and reach hundreds of Gemini capsules! Read stories, download files, play games...</p>
        The browser will have a different color for each domain you visit.
        Fast (async core + caching):
        Streams content by default. That means you can open pages even when you have
        connection speeds of Kb/s.
        It also caches pages in the history, so you can go back/forward in an instant
        Can download binary files:
        The download will start as soon as you open the corresponding link.
        You can always cancel it by opening another page.
  <launchable type="desktop-id">com.ranfdev.Geopard.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/icons/48x48/geopard_com.ranfdev.Geopard.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">geopard_com.ranfdev.Geopard.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/icons/64x64/geopard_com.ranfdev.Geopard.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/icons/128x128/geopard_com.ranfdev.Geopard.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">com.ranfdev.Geopard</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://ranfdev.com/projects/Geopard</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/ranfdev/Geopard/issues/</url>
  <url type="donation">https://github.com/sponsors/ranfdev</url>
    <lang percentage="100">en_US</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">fr</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">ru</lang>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <image type="source" width="1022" height="722">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="752" height="531">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-1_752x531.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="624" height="440">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-1_624x440.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="158">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-1_224x158.png</image>
      <image type="source" width="442" height="752">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-2_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="381">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-2_224x381.png</image>
      <image type="source" width="442" height="752">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-3_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="381">com/ranfdev/Geopard/daffa6042867e70a936325a8c9539d88/screenshots/image-3_224x381.png</image>
  <keywords xml:lang="fr">
  <keywords xml:lang="ru">
    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="light">#deddda</color>
    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="dark">#5e5c64</color>
    <release type="stable" version="1.6.0" timestamp="1719964800">
        <p>Various small fixes</p>
    <release type="stable" version="1.5.0" timestamp="1712707200">
        <p>Updated to latest libadwaita and GTK to improve performance and compatibility,
            including the use of the new Adw.Dialog and Adw.Breakpoint widgets.
        <p>Improved security by adding TOFU (Trust On First Use) website verification</p>
        <p>Some native pages ("input" page and "open link in external browser" page) were persisting as overlay after
            opening a new link. Now the page navigation is fixed.
        <p>Many other small fixes and improvements.</p>
    <release type="stable" version="1.4.0" timestamp="1679529600">
        <p>Updated to latest libadwaita and GTK to improve performance and compatibility,
            including the use of the new Adw.TabOverview widget for improved tab management on small screens.</p>
        <p>Added support for opening files and gemini mime types from the command line.</p>
        <p>Added tab history menu on right click over arrows for easier navigation.</p>
        <p>Fixed issue with links without whitespace not working properly.</p>
        <p>Moved scrollbar to the edge of the window for a cleaner UI.</p>
        <p>Added tooltips for items in header bar to provide more information to users.</p>
        <p>Added more information to the About window to give users a better idea of the project's.</p>
        <p>Various fixes and refactorings.</p>
    <release type="stable" version="1.3.0" timestamp="1661817600">
        <p>Added ability to reload the current page</p>
        <p>Nicer list items formatting</p>
        <p>Fixed annoying bug where selecting the text would sometimes transform a paragraph into a title, temporarily</p>
        <p>Fixed crash when the app theme is overridden</p>
        <p>Fixed unresponsiveness when a big page is loading</p>
        <p>Complete rewrite of the gemini parser to make it more robust and improve handling of edge cases</p>
      <description xml:lang="fr">
        <p>Ajout de la possibilité de recharger la page actuelle</p>
        <p>Meilleur formatage des listes d’éléments</p>
        <p>Correction d’un bogue ennuyeux où la sélection du texte transformait parfois brièvement un paragraphe en titre</p>
        <p>Correction d’un plantage quand le thème de l’application est supplanté</p>
        <p>Correction de l’absence de réponse lors du chargement d’une page volumineuse</p>
        <p>Réécriture complète de l’analyseur Gemini pour le rendre plus robuste et améliorer la gestion des cas limites</p>
      <description xml:lang="ru">
        <p>Добавлена возможность обновления текущей страницы</p>
        <p>Лучше форматирование элементов списка</p>
        <p>Исправлена раздражающая ошибка, при которой выделение текста иногда превращало абзац в заголовок, временно</p>
        <p>Исправлена ошибка при переопределении темы приложения</p>
        <p>Исправлена неотзывчивость при загрузке большой страницы</p>
        <p>Полная перепись парсера gemini, чтобы сделать его более надежным и улучшить обработку крайних случаев</p>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>