⇦ | libreoffice-draw [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-07 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for libreoffice-draw in community

libreoffice-draw.desktop - ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <name>LibreOffice Draw</name>
  <summary xml:lang="af">Skep en redigeer skets, vloei diagramme en logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="am">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ar">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="as">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ast">Crea y edita dibuxos, diagrames de fluxu y logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="be">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bg">Създаване и редактиране на рисунки, блок-схеми и емблеми.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bn">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bn_IN">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bo">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="br">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="brx">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bs">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary>Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ca">Creeu i editeu dibuixos, diagrames de flux i logotips.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ca_valencia">Creeu i editeu dibuixos, diagrames de flux i logotips.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ckb">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="cs">Umožňuje vytvářet a upravovat kresby, vývojové diagramy a loga.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="cy">Creu a golygu lluniadau, siartiau llif a logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="da">Opret og rediger tegninger, flowdiagrammer og logoer.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="de">Erstellen und bearbeiten Sie Zeichnungen, Flussdiagramme und Logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="dgo">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="dsb">Napórajśo a wobźěłajśo kreslanki, datoběgowe diagramy a loga.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="dz">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="el">Δημιουργίαε και επεξεργασία σχεδίων, διαγραμμάτων ροής και λογοτύπων.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en_GB">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en_ZA">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="eo">Krei kaj redakti desegnaĵojn, stirfluajn diagramojn, kaj emblemojn.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="es">Cree y edite dibujos, diagramas de flujo y logotipos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="et">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="eu">Sortu eta editatu marrazkiak, fluxu-diagramak eta logotipoak.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fa">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fi">Luo ja muokkaa piirroksia, vuokaavioita ja logoja.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fr">Créer et modifier des dessins, des organigrammes et des logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fur">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fy">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ga">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="gd">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="gl">Cree e edite debuxos, fluxogramas e logotipos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="gu">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="gug">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="he">יצירה ועריכה של ציורים, תרשימי זרימה ולוגואים.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hi">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hr">Stvorite i uredite crteže, dijagrame toka i logotipe.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hsb">Wutworće a wobdźěłajće rysowanki, datoběhowe diagramy a loga.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hu">Rajzok, folyamatábrák és logók létrehozása és szerkesztése.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="id">Membuat dan menyunting gambar, diagram alir, dan logo.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="is">Búðu til og breyttu teikningum, flæðiritum og merkjum.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="it">Crea e modifica disegni, diagrammi di flusso e loghi.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ja">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ka">შექმენით და ჩაასწორეთ ნახაზები, ბლოკ-სქემები და ლოგოები.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="kab">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="kk">Сызбалар, схемалар мен логотиптерді жасау және өңдеу.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="km">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="kmr_Latn">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="kn">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ko">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="kok">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ks">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="lb">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="lo">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="lt">Grafikos rengykle galima braižyti brėžinius, blokines schemas, kurti logotipus.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="lv">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="mai">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="mk">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ml">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="mn">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="mni">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="mr">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="my">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nb">Lag og rediger tegninger, flytskjemaer og logoer.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ne">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nl">Maak en bewerk tekeningen, stroomschema's en logo's.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nn">Laga og redigera teikningar, flytdiagram og logoar.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nr">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nso">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="oc">Creatz e modificatz de dessenhs, diagramas de flux e logotipes.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="om">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="or">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pa_IN">ਡਰਾਇੰਗਾਂ, ਫਲੋਅ-ਚਾਰਟ ਅਤੇ ਲੋਗੋ ਬਣਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਸੋਧੋ।</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pl">Twórz i edytuj rysunki, schematy blokowe i znaki graficzne.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt">Crie e edite desenhos, fluxogramas e logotipos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt_BR">Crie e edite desenhos, fluxogramas e logotipos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ro">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ru">Создание и редактирование рисунков, диаграмм и логотипов.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="rw">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sa_IN">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sat">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sd">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="si">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sid">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sk">Umožňuje vytvárať a upravovať kresby, vývojové diagramy a logá.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sl">Ustvarjajte in urejajte risbe, slike, diagrame poteka in logotipe.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sq">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sr">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sr_Latn">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ss">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="st">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sv">Skapa och redigera ritningar, flödesscheman och logotyper.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sw_TZ">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ta">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="te">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tg">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="th">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tn">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tr">Çizimler, akış şemaları ve logolar oluşturun ve düzenleyin.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ts">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tt">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ug">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="uk">Створення та редагування рисунків, діаграм і логотипів.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="uz">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ve">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="vec">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="vi">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="xh">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="zh_CN">创建和编辑图形、流程图以及徽标。</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="zh_TW">建立與編輯繪圖、流程圖與圖示。</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="zu">Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos.</summary>
    <p>LibreOffice - Drawing application</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">libreoffice-draw.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">l/li/libreoffice-draw.desktop/8e39f62be80bdbe14137ae979eb691ab/icons/48x48/libreoffice-draw_libreoffice-draw.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">libreoffice-draw_libreoffice-draw.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">l/li/libreoffice-draw.desktop/8e39f62be80bdbe14137ae979eb691ab/icons/64x64/libreoffice-draw_libreoffice-draw.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">l/li/libreoffice-draw.desktop/8e39f62be80bdbe14137ae979eb691ab/icons/128x128/libreoffice-draw_libreoffice-draw.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">libreoffice-draw</icon>
    <keyword>OpenDocument Graphics</keyword>
    <keyword>Microsoft Publisher</keyword>
    <keyword>Microsoft Visio</keyword>
    <keyword>Corel Draw</keyword>