⇦ | marknote [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for marknote in community

org.kde.marknote - 1.3.0-r1 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <name xml:lang="ca">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="ca-valencia">MarkNote</name>
  <name xml:lang="cs">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="en-GB">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="eo">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="es">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="fr">MarkNote</name>
  <name xml:lang="he">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="ia">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="it">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="ka">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="nl">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="pl">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="sl">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="sv">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="tr">Marknot</name>
  <name xml:lang="uk">Marknote</name>
  <name xml:lang="zh-TW">Marknote</name>
  <summary>Write down your thoughts</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ca">Ecriviu les vostres idees</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ca-valencia">Ecriviu les vostres idees</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="cs">Zapište své myšlenky</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en-GB">Write down your thoughts</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="eo">Notu viajn pensojn</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="es">Escriba sus pensamientos</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="eu">Idatzi zure pentsamenduak</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fr">Écrivez vos idées ici.</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="he">לכתוב את המחשבות שלך</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ia">Annota tu pensamentos</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="it">Scrivi i tuoi pensieri</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ka">ჩაიწერეთ თქვენი იდეები</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nl">Schrijf uw gedachten op</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pl">Spisz swoje myśli</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt-BR">Anote o que vier à sua cabeça</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sl">Zapišite svoje misli</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sv">Skriv ner dina tankar</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tr">Markdown İstamcisi</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="uk">Записуйте ваші думки</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="zh-CN">写下您的想法</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="zh-TW">寫下您所想</summary>
    <p>Marknote lets you create rich text notes and easily organise them into notebooks. You can personalise your notebooks by choosing an icon and accent color for each one, making it easy to distinguish between them and keep your notes at your fingertips. Your notes are saved as Markdown files in your Documents folder, making it easy to use your notes outside of Marknote as well as inside the app.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ca">
    <p>El Marknote us permet crear notes de text enriquit i organitzar-les fàcilment en quaderns. Podreu personalitzar els quaderns triant una icona i un color d'accent per a cadascun, fent que sigui fàcil distingir-los i mantenir les notes al vostre abast. Les notes es desen com a fitxers Markdown a la carpeta Documents, fent que sigui fàcil utilitzar les notes fora del Marknote, així com dins de l'aplicació.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ca-valencia">
    <p>MarkNote us permet crear notes de text enriquit i organitzar-les amb facilitat en quaderns. Podreu personalitzar els quaderns triant una icona i un color d'accent per a cadascun, fent que siga fàcil distingir-los i mantindre les notes al vostre abast. Les notes es guarden com a fitxers en Markdown a la carpeta Documents, fent que siga fàcil utilitzar les notes fora de MarkNote, així com dins de l'aplicació.</p>
  <description xml:lang="en-GB">
    <p>Marknote lets you create rich text notes and easily organise them into notebooks. You can personalise your notebooks by choosing an icon and accent colour for each one, making it easy to distinguish between them and keep your notes at your fingertips. Your notes are saved as Markdown files in your Documents folder, making it easy to use your notes outside of Marknote as well as inside the app.</p>
  <description xml:lang="eo">
    <p>Marknote permesas krei riĉajn tekstajn notojn kaj facile organizi ilin en kajeroj. Vi povas personecigi viajn kajerojn elektante piktogramon kaj akcentkoloron por ĉiu, faciligante distingi inter ili kaj disponigi viajn notojn tuj alireble. Viaj notoj estas konservitaj kiel Markdown-dosieroj en via dosierujo de Dokumentoj, faciligante uzi viajn notojn ekster Marknote same kiel ene de la apo.</p>
  <description xml:lang="es">
    <p>Marknote le permite crear notas de texto enriquecido y organizarlas fácilmente en cuadernos. Puede personalizar los cuadernos eligiendo un icono y un color de acento para cada uno, lo que facilita distinguirlos y mantener las notas al alcance de la mano. Las notas se guardan como archivos Markdown en la carpeta Documentos, lo que facilita su uso fuera de Marknote así como dentro de la aplicación.</p>
  <description xml:lang="eu">
    <p>«Marknote»k testu aberastuko oharrak sortu eta haiek koadernotan erraz antolatzeko aukera ematen dizu. Zure koadernoak, bakoitzarentzat ikono bat eta azentu-kolore bat hautatuz pertsonaliza ditzakezu, haiek bereiztea erraza izan dadin eta zure eskura izan ditzazun. Zure oharrak «Markdown» fitxategi gisa gordetzen dira zure Dokumentuak karpetan, eta horrek, zure oharrak «Marknote»tik kanpo zein aplikazio barnean erabiltzea errazten du.</p>
  <description xml:lang="fr">
    <p>MarkNote vous permet de créer des notes en texte enrichi et de les organiser facilement sous forme de bloc-notes. Vous pouvez personnaliser vos bloc-notes en sélectionnant une icône et une couleur d'accentuation pour chacun d'eux. Cela vous permet ainsi de les distinguer facilement et de conserver vos notes à portée de main. Vos notes sont enregistrées en tant que fichiers « Markdown » dans votre dossier « Documents ». Cela facilite l'utilisation de vos notes en dehors de MarkNote ainsi qu'à l'intérieur de l'application.</p>
  <description xml:lang="he">
    <p>Marknote מאפשר לך ליצור פתקיות עם טקסט עשיר ולסדר אותן בקלות למחברות. אפשר להתאים את המחברות שלך באופן אישי על ידי בחירת סמל וצבע משני לכל פתקית, כך שיהיה קל להבדיל ביניהן ולהשאיר את הפתקיות שלך במקום נגיש. הפתקיות שלך נשמרות כקובצי Markdown בתיקיית המסמכים/Documents שלך כדי להקל על השימוש בפתקיות גם מחוץ ל־Marknote וגם בפנים.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ia">
    <p>Marknote te permitte crear notas de ric texto e facilemente organisar los in quadernos. Tu pote personalisar tu quadernos per seliger un icone e color de accento per cata un, facente facile dinstinguer inter illos e mantener tu notas a tu extremitate de digito. Tu sotas es salveguardate como files de Markdown in tu dossier Documento, facente facile usar tu notas foras de Marknote tanto como intra le app.</p>
  <description xml:lang="it">
    <p>Marknote ti consente di creare note con testo formattato e di organizzarle facilmente in taccuini. Puoi personalizzare i tuoi taccuini scegliendo un'icona e un colore principale per ciascuno, rendendo più semplice distinguerli e tenere gli appunti a portata di mano. Le tue note vengono salvate come file Markdown nella cartella Documenti, semplificando l'utilizzo delle tue note all'esterno di Marknote e all'interno dell'applicazione.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ka">
    <p>Marknote საშუალებას გაძლევთ, შექმნათ მდიდარი ტექსტის მქონე შენიშვნები და ისინი ბლოკნოტებში იოლად დაანაწილოთ. თქვენი ბლოკნოტები შეგიძლიათ, მოირგოთ, მათთვის სათითაოდ ხატულის და მახვილის ფერის არჩევით, რითიც მათ შორის სწორის არჩევას გააიოლებთ. თქვენი შენიშვნები შენახულია Markdown-ის ფაილების სახით თქვენი დოკუმენტების საქაღალდეში, რითიც გაგიიოლებთ შენიშვნების პოვნას როგორც პროგრამის შიგნით, ისე გარეთ.</p>
  <description xml:lang="nl">
    <p>Marknote laat u opgemaakte tekst notities maken en ze gemakkelijk organiseren in notitieboeken. U kunt uw notitieboeken personaliseren door een pictogram te kiezen en een accentueringskleur voor elkeen, waarmee het gemakkelijk is ze te onderscheiden en uw notities binnen handbereik te houden. Uw notities worden bewaard als Markdown-bestanden in uw map Documenten, waarmee het gemakkelijk is om uw notities buiten Marknote te gebruiken evenals in de toepassing.</p>
  <description xml:lang="pl">
    <p>Marknote umożliwia tworzenie sformatowanych notatek i łatwe zarządzanie nimi w notatnikach. Możesz dostosować swoje notatniki, wybierając im ikony i barwy akcentujące, co czyni je łatwo rozróżnialnymi, a notatki są wtedy zawsze pod ręką. Twoje notatki są zapisywane jako pliki Markdown w twoim katalogu dokumentów, czyniąc łatwym ich używanie poza Marknote, jak i w nim samym.</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt-BR">
    <p>Marknote permite criar notas de rich text e organizá-las facilmente em cadernos. Você pode personalizar seus cadernos escolhendo um ícone e uma cor de destaque para cada um, facilitando a distinção entre eles e mantendo suas anotações ao seu alcance. Suas notas são salvas como arquivos Markdown na pasta documentos, facilitando o uso de suas notas fora do Marknote e dentro do aplicativo.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sl">
    <p>Marknote vam omogoča ustvarjanje zapiskov z obogatenim besedilom in njihovo preprosto organiziranje v zvezke. Svoje zvezke lahko prilagodite tako, da za vsakega izberete ikono in barvo poudarka, kar olajša razlikovanje med njimi in ohranjanje zapiskov na dosegu roke. Vaši zapiski so shranjeni kot datoteke Markdown v vaši mapi Dokumenti, kar olajša uporabo vaših zapiskov zunaj Marknota in znotraj aplikacije.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sv">
    <p>Marknote låter dig skapa anteckningar med Rich text och enkelt organisera dem i anteckningsböcker. Du kan anpassa dina anteckningsböcker genom att välja en ikon och accentfärg för var och en, vilket gör det enkelt att skilja dem åt och ha anteckningarna till hands. Dina anteckningar sparas som Markdown-filer i katalogen Dokument, vilket gör det enkelt att använda anteckningarna utanför Marknote såväl som inuti programmet.</p>
  <description xml:lang="tr">
    <p>Marknot zengin metin notlar oluşturmanıza ve onları defterlerde organize etmenize olanak tanır. Defterleriniz için bir simge ve vurgu rengi seçerek onları kişiselleştirebilir ve her birini kendi içinde öne çıkarabilirsiniz. Notlarınız, Belgeler klasörünüze Markdown dosyalarıı olarak kaydedilir; böylece hem Marknot içinden hem de dosya yöneticinizden onlara kolaylıkla erişebilirsiniz.</p>
  <description xml:lang="uk">
    <p>Marknote надає змогу створювати форматовані текстові нотатки та без проблем упорядковувати їх за нотатниками. Ви можете персоналізувати ваші нотатники, вибравши піктограму та колір позначення для кожного нотатника, спрощуючи пошук нотатників та роблячи доступ до ваших нотаток якомога простішим. Ваші нотатки буде збережено до файлів Markdown у вашій теці «Документи», щоб спрощує користування нотатками поза Marknote та у самій програмі.</p>
  <description xml:lang="zh-CN">
    <p>Marknote 让您创建富文本笔记并轻松地将它们组织成笔记本。您可以通过选择一个图标和强调色个性化您的笔记本,让它们更容易区分,您的笔记,就在指尖。 您的笔记将以 Markdown 文件的形式保存在您的文档文件夹中,让您在 Marknote 内外都可以轻松使用您的笔记。</p>
  <description xml:lang="zh-TW">
    <p>Marknote 讓您建立豐富格式筆記,並放入筆記本內管理。您可以選擇各個筆記本的圖示與強調色,讓筆記本容易分辨,並幫助您利用您的筆記。您的筆記以 Markdown 格式儲存為文件資料夾內的檔案,讓您在 Marknote 外也能輕易地利用您的筆記。</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">org.kde.marknote.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/icons/48x48/marknote_org.kde.marknote.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">marknote_org.kde.marknote.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/icons/64x64/marknote_org.kde.marknote.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/icons/128x128/marknote_org.kde.marknote.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">org.kde.marknote</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://apps.kde.org/marknote</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Marknote</url>
  <url type="donation">https://kde.org/community/donations/?app=marknote</url>
  <url type="vcs-browser">https://invent.kde.org/office/marknote</url>
  <url type="contribute">https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/</url>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <image type="source" width="1325" height="849">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="1248" height="799">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/screenshots/image-1_1248x799.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="752" height="481">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/screenshots/image-1_752x481.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="624" height="399">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/screenshots/image-1_624x399.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="143">org/kde/marknote/181e551960953d2c2d55b99fde78df6c/screenshots/image-1_224x143.png</image>
    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="light">#c7f4e7</color>
    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="dark">#08342b</color>
    <release type="stable" version="1.3.0" timestamp="1719532800">
            On small phone screens, you want as much space as possible to write and read
            your notes. MarkNote now lets you hide the editor toolbar on mobile, so you can
            focus on the important stuff while having the formatting options just a tap
            On desktop, you can now adjust the width of the note list and editor by
            dragging the separator, just like in other desktop applications.
            You can now undo and redo changes using buttons in the UI, rather than relying
            on keyboard shortcuts, which is especially helpful if you're using a virtual
            keyboard that may not have a control key.
            The application menu has been reorganized and simplified to make it
            We added implemented clickable links! You can now ctrl-click links to open them.
            To make it easier to switch from your current notes application to
            MarkNote, MarkNote now offers several import options. for now you
            can import your notes from KNotes and maildir.
    <release type="stable" version="1.2.1" timestamp="1716249600">
        <p>Bug fixes release containing the following fixes:</p>
          <li>Fix saving font</li>
          <li>Remember last window state</li>
          <li>Close dialog after deleting note</li>
          <li>Fix double copy paste</li>
          <li>Fix sidebar not scrollable when there is a note books overflow</li>
    <release type="stable" version="1.2.0" timestamp="1715904000">
            We improved the notes management with the ability to choose a custom
            folder where to store your notes amd made it possible to
            change the sorting of notes from alphabetically to by date. The
            sidebar is now collapsable and we added a focus mode where
            everything but the text editor is displayed.
            If you prefer to just use Marknote as a Markdown editor, we made it
            possible to just open any markdown files directly from the file
            browser or the console. Additionally Marknote supports
            markdown files with a so called front matter, which is a
            common way to inject metadata to markdown in static website
            generators like Hugo and Jekyll.
            In term of edition support, the subset of markdown supported
            increased again. Now it is possible to add and edit
            tables. Additionally we started transforming inline
            markdown directly to rich text as you type. Support is
            limited to a few markdown constructs but is likely to
            grow over time. You can now customize the font used by editor.
            Aside from being able to edit text, it's now possible to also create
            sketches directly from MarkNote.
            Finally we took care of ensuring MarkNote was fully usable when used
            with Plasma Mobile.
    <release type="stable" version="1.1.1" timestamp="1711929600">
        <p>Fix an imporant bug</p>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>