⇦ | phosh-osk-stub [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for phosh-osk-stub in community

sm.puri.phosh.osk-stub - 0.45.0-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="inputmethod">
  <name>Phosh OSK</name>
  <summary>An alternative On Screen Keyboard for Phosh</summary>
      The on screen keyboard has the following features:
      <li>Character popovers</li>
      <li>Word completion / prediction using different completion engines</li>
      <li>Gesture based cursor movement</li>
      <li>Lots of emojis 😀</li>
      <li>Debug mode to debug text-input/input-method issues</li>
      <li>More than 30 different layouts</li>
      <li>Configurable short cuts in terminal layout</li>
      It acts as a Wayland input-method or virtual keyboard.
      This keyboard is still in development. <em>Use with care</em>.
  <url type="homepage">https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub</url>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>Character Popover</caption>
      <image type="source" width="360" height="720">sm/puri/phosh.osk-stub/dfc302d5974b877deb2024e018de71dc/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="448">sm/puri/phosh.osk-stub/dfc302d5974b877deb2024e018de71dc/screenshots/image-1_224x448.png</image>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>Emoji Layout</caption>
      <image type="source" width="360" height="720">sm/puri/phosh.osk-stub/dfc302d5974b877deb2024e018de71dc/screenshots/image-2_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="448">sm/puri/phosh.osk-stub/dfc302d5974b877deb2024e018de71dc/screenshots/image-2_224x448.png</image>
    <release type="stable" version="0.45.0" timestamp="1739404800">
          <li>Long press on shift toggles caps lock</li>
          <li>Update emoji data</li>
          <li>Make IL layout as close as possible to SI-1452-2</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.44.0" timestamp="1735516800">
          <li>Add special layouts for pin, digit and phone number input purpose</li>
          <li>Make Persian layout close to ISIRI 9147</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.43.0" timestamp="1731542400">
          <li>Add &lt;ctrl&gt; and &lt;alt&gt; modifiers and &lt;menu&gt; key to the shortcuts bar</li>
          <li>Support accent colors</li>
          <li>Better handle overlapping key presses to ease fast typing</li>
          <li>Make lower- and upper-case view of terminal layout more consistent</li>
          <li>presage: Don't set abbrev predictor as it adds random unicode chars</li>
          <li>Ship completer descriptions so mobile settings knows about them</li>
          <li>User documentation updates</li>
          <li>Various bug fixes</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.42.0" timestamp="1727481600">
          <li>Support configuring keyboard layouts in Phosh mobile settings</li>
          <li>Add paste buttons to paste clipboard contents</li>
          <li>varnam completer: Learn accepted words to improve predictionsx</li>
          <li>presage completer: Fix issues that could scramble text</li>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>