⇦ | pinta [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for pinta in community

pinta.desktop - 2.1.2-r1 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>Edit images and paint digitally</summary>
  <developer_name>Jonathan Pobst</developer_name>
  <description xml:lang="af">
    <p>Pinta is 'n beeld redigering, teken en verf aansoek met 'n eenvoudige dog kragtige koppelvlak. Pinta het 'n wye verskeidenheid van tekengereedskap, insluitend: vryhand, reghoeke, sirkels en lyne. Dit het ook meer as 35 effekte om op jou beelde van toepassing te wees, en het ook die vermoë om onbeperkte lae te skep om te help organiseer jou kreatiwiteit.</p>
  <description xml:lang="be">
    <p>Pinta - гэта праграма для праўкі відарысаў, малявання і фарбавання з простым, але магутным інтэрфейсам. Pinta мае шырокі выбар прылад для малявання, уключна з свабодным пэндзлем, прамавугольнікамі, кругамі і лініямі. Таксама мае больш за 35 эфектаў для вашых відарысаў, а яшчэ магчымасць ствараць неабмежаваныя пласты, каб дапамагчы арганізаваць вашу творчасць.</p>
    <p>Pinta is a image editing, drawing and painting application with a simple yet powerful interface. Pinta has a wide range of drawing tools, including: freehand, rectangles, circles and lines. It also has over 35 effects to apply to your images, and also has the ability to create unlimited layers to help organize your creativity.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ca">
    <p>Pinta és una aplicació d'edició d'imatges, dibuix i pintura amb una interfaç senzilla però potent. Pinta té una àmplia gama d'eines de dibuix, com: mà alçada, rectangles, cercles i línies. També té més de 35 efectes per aplicar a les seues imatges, i també la habilitat de crear capes il·limitades per ajudar a la organització de la seua creativitat.</p>
  <description xml:lang="cs">
    <p>Pinta je aplikace pro úpravu obrázků, kreslení a malování s jednoduchým, ale výkonným rozhraním. Pinta má širokou škálu nástrojů pro kreslení, včetně: volné ruky, obdélníků, kružnic a čar. Má také více než 35 efektů, které můžete použít na své obrázky, a také možnost vytvářet neomezené množství vrstev, které vám pomohou uspořádat vaši kreativitu.</p>
  <description xml:lang="da">
    <p>Pinta er et program til billedredigering, tegning og maling med en enkel, men kraftfuld brugerflade. Pinta har en bred vifte af tegneværktøjer, herunder: frihånd, rektangler, cirkler og linjer. Det har også over 35 effekter, som du kan anvende på dine billeder, og har også mulighed for at oprette ubegrænsede lag for at hjælpe med at organisere din kreativitet.</p>
  <description xml:lang="de">
    <p>Pinta ist ein Bildbearbeitungs-, Zeichen- und Malprogramm mit einer einfachen, aber mächtigen Oberfläche. Pinta verfügt über zahlreiche Zeichenwerkzeuge, unter anderem: Freihand, Rechteck, Kreis und Linien. Es unterstützt über 35 Effekte zur Bearbeitung von Bildern, und besitzt die Fähigkeit, unbegrenzt Ebenen einzufügen, um die eigene Kreativität zu organisieren.</p>
  <description xml:lang="el">
    <p>Το Pinta είναι μια εφαρμογή επεξεργασίας, σχεδίασης και ζωγραφικής εικόνων με απλή αλλά ισχυρή διεπαφή. Το Pinta διαθέτει μια μεγάλη γκάμα εργαλείων σχεδίασης, όπως: ελεύθερο χέρι, ορθογώνια, κύκλους και γραμμές. Διαθέτει επίσης πάνω από 35 εφέ για εφαρμογή στις εικόνες σας και έχει επίσης τη δυνατότητα να δημιουργεί απεριόριστα επίπεδα για να οργανώσετε τη δημιουργικότητά σας.</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_AU">
    <p>Pinta is a image editing, drawing and painting application with a simple yet powerful interface. Pinta has a wide range of drawing tools, including: freehand, rectangles, circles and lines. It also has over 35 effects to apply to your images, and also has the ability to create unlimited layers to help organise your creativity.</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_CA">
    <p>Pinta is a image editing, drawing and painting application with a simple yet powerful interface. Pinta has a wide range of drawing tools, including: freehand, rectangles, circles and lines. It also has over 35 effects to apply to your images, and also has the ability to create unlimited layers to help organize your creativity.</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_GB">
    <p>Pinta is a image editing, drawing and painting application with a simple yet powerful interface. Pinta has a wide range of drawing tools, including: freehand, rectangles, circles and lines. It also has over 35 effects to apply to your images, and also has the ability to create unlimited layers to help organize your creativity.</p>
  <description xml:lang="es">
    <p>Pinta es una aplicación de edición de imágenes, dibujo y pintura con una interfaz sencilla pero potente. Pinta cuenta con una amplia gama de herramientas de dibujo, incluyendo mano alzada, rectángulos, círculos y líneas. Incluye más de 35 efectos para aplicar a las imágenes y además es capaz de crear capas ilimitadas para ayudar a organizar su creatividad.</p>
  <description xml:lang="eu">
    <p>Pinta aplikazio bat da irudiak editatzeko, marrazteko eta margotzeko. Interfaze sinple eta ahaltsua eskaintzen du. Pintak marrazteko eta margotzeko tresna asko eskaintzen ditu, esku hutsez marrazteko edo prestatutako formak: lauki zuzenak, zirkuluak, geziak-eta. 35 efektutik gora eskaintzen ditu irudiak eraldatzeko. Gainera nahi beste geruzatan antolatu daitezke irudiak sorkuntzari laguntzeko.</p>
  <description xml:lang="fi">
    <p>Pinta on sovellus kuvankäsittelyyn, piirtämiseen ja maalaamiseen. Pinta sisältää yksinkertaisen mutta tehokkaan käyttöliittymän sekä laajan valikoiman piirrostyökaluja mukaan lukien vapaan muodon, suorakulmiot, ellipsit ja viivat. Tarjolla on myös yli 35 kuviin liitettävää tehostetta sekä rajoittamaton määrä tasoja, joiden avulla pidät luovuutesi järjestyksessä.</p>
  <description xml:lang="fr">
    <p>Pinta est une application d'édition d'image, de dessin et de peinture avec une interface simple mais puissante. Pinta propose une large gamme d'outils de dessin, notamment : main levée, rectangles, cercles et lignes. Pinta dispose également de plus de 35 effets à appliquer à vos images ainsi que la possibilité de créer des calques illimitées pour aider à organiser votre créativité.</p>
  <description xml:lang="gl">
    <p>O Pinta é unha aplicacións de edición, debuxo e pintura cunha interface sinxela mais potente. O pinta conta con variedade de ferramentas de debuxo, que inclúen a man alzada, rectángulos, círculos e liñas. Tamén ten máis de 35 efectos para aplicar ás imaxes e conta coa capacidade de crear un número ilimitado de capas para axudar a organizar a creatividade.</p>
  <description xml:lang="he">
    <p>Pinta הוא יישום לעריכת תמונות, ציור וצביעה עם מנשק משתמש פשוט אך עצמתי. ל־Pinta יש מגוון רחב של כלי ציור לרבות: יד חופשית, ריבועים, עיגולים וקווים. יש לו גם למעלה מ־35 אפקטים להחלה על התמונות שלך ויש לו גם את היכולת ליצור שכבות אינסופיות כדי לסייע לסדר את היצירתיות שלך.</p>
  <description xml:lang="id">
    <p>Pinta adalah aplikasi penyunting gambar, menggambar, dan melukis dengan antarmuka yang sederhana namun efektif. Pinta memiliki berbagai macam peralatan gambar antara lain: tangan bebas (freehand), empat persegi (rectangles), lingkaran (circle) dan garis (lines). Juga memiliki lebih dari 35 efek untuk diterapkan pada gambar Anda, dan juga memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat lapisan (layer) tak terbatas untuk membantu mengatur kreativitas Anda.</p>
  <description xml:lang="it">
    <p>Pinta è un editor di immagini, un'applicazione di disegno e pittura con un'interfaccia semplice ma potente. Pinta ha una grande gamma di strumenti per disegno, compresi:  a mano libera, rettangoli, cerchi e linee. Ha anche più di 35 effetti da applicare alle immagini e offre anche la possibilità di creare un numero illimitato di livelli per aiutarti ad organizzare la tua creatività.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ja">
    <p>Pinta は、シンプルでありながら強力なインターフェイスを備えた、画像編集・描画・ペイントアプリケーションです。Pinta には、フリーハンド・長方形・円・線など、さまざまな描画ツールがあります。また、35 を超える画像効果があり、無制限のレイヤーを作成して制作物を整理できます。</p>
  <description xml:lang="ms">
    <p>Pinta merupakan sebuah aplikasi menyunting, melukis dan mengecat imej yang ringkas tetapi dengan antara muka yang berguna. Pinta mempunyai sejumlah alatan melukis yang luas, termasuklah: bebas tangan, segi empat, bulatan dan garisan. Ia juga tersedia dengan 35 kesan yang boleh diterap kepada imej anda, serta berupaya mencipta lapisan-lapisan tanpa had yang dapat membantu pengurusan kreativiti anda.</p>
  <description xml:lang="nl">
    <p>Pinta is een programma voor het bewerken, tekenen en schilderen van afbeeldingen met een eenvoudige doch krachtige vormgeving. Pinta beschikt over een breed scala aan tekengereedschappen, waaronder vrije hand, rechthoeken, cirkels en lijnen. Ook beschikt Pinta over meer dan 35 afbeeldingseffecten en de mogelijkheid om te werken met een onbeperkt aantal lagen.</p>
  <description xml:lang="pl">
    <p>Pinta to program graficzny w formie aplikacji o prostym, choć poręcznym interfejsie. Pinta zawiera szeroki zasób narzędzi do rysowania, w tym: odręczne, prostokąty, okręgi i linie. Zawiera także ponad 35 efektów do zastosowania na twoich obrazach i ma również możliwość tworzenia nieograniczonej liczby warstw pomocnych w oswajaniu twojej kreatywności</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt">
    <p>O Pinta é uma aplicação de edição de imagem, desenho e pintura com uma interface simples mas poderosa. O Pinta tem uma vasta gama de ferramentas de desenho, incluindo: à mão livre, rectângulos, círculos e linhas. Também tem mais de 35 efeitos para aplicar às suas imagens, e também tem a capacidade de criar camadas ilimitadas para ajudar a organizar a sua criatividade.</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt_BR">
    <p>Pinta é um aplicativo de edição, desenho e pintura de imagens com uma interface simples e poderosa. Possui uma ampla variedade de ferramentas de desenho, incluindo: mão livre, retângulos, círculos e linhas. Ele também tem mais de 35 efeitos para aplicar às suas imagens e também pode criar camadas ilimitadas para ajudar a organizar sua criatividade.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ro">
    <p>Pinta este o aplicație de editare de imagini și desen cu o interfață simplă, dar puternică. Pinta are o gamă largă de instrumente de desen, incluzând: desen liber, dreptunghiuri, cercuri și linii. De asemenea, are peste 35 de efecte aplicabile pe imaginile dvs. și are capacitatea de a crea straturi nelimitate pentru a vă ajuta să vă organizați creativitatea.</p>
  <description xml:lang="ru">
    <p>Pinta - это приложение для редактирования изображений, рисования и раскрашивания с простым, но мощным интерфейсом. Pinta имеет широкий набор инструментов для рисования, в том числе: рисование от руки, прямоугольники, круги и линии. Также редактор имеет более 35 эффектов для применения к вашим изображениям, а также имеет возможность создавать неограниченное количество слоев, чтобы помочь организовать ваше творчество.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sk">
    <p>Pinta je aplikácia určená na upravovanie, kreslenie a maľovanie. Má jednoduché, no plnohodnotné rozhranie. Môžete používať veľké množstvo nástrojov, napríklad kreslenie voľnou rukou, geometrické tvary, čiary, viac ako 35 rôznych efektov. Pinta tiež dokáže pracovať s neobmedzeným množstvom vrstiev.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sl">
    <p>Pinta je aplikacija za urejevalnik slik, risanje in slikanje z enostavnim vendar naprednim vmesnikom. Pinta ima širok nabor orodij za risanje vključno s: prostoročnim, pravokotniki, krogi in črte. Ima tudi več kot 35 učinkov, ki jih lahko določite sliki, ter ima tudi možnost ustvarjanja neomejeno število plasti, ki vam omogočajo izživeti vašo kreativnost.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sr">
    <p>Пинта је програм за уређивање слика, цртање и сликање са једноставним, али моћним сучељем. Пинта има широк спектар алата за цртање, укључујући: слободну руку, правоугаонике, кругове и линије. Такође има преко 35 ефеката за примењивање на вашим сликама, а такође има способност да створи неограничене слојеве који помажу у организацији ваше креативности.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sv">
    <p>Pinta är ett bildredigerings-, tecknings- och målningsprogram med ett enkelt men kraftfullt gränssnitt. Pinta har ett brett utbud av ritverktyg, inklusive: frihand, rektanglar, cirklar och linjer. Det har också över 35 effekter att tillämpa på dina bilder och har även förmågan att skapa ett obegränsat antal lager för att hjälpa till att organisera din kreativitet.</p>
  <description xml:lang="tr">
    <p>Pinta, basit ama güçlü bir arayüze sahip bir resim düzenleme, çizim ve boyama uygulamasıdır. Pinta, serbest çizim, dikdörtgenler, daireler ve çizgiler dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli çizim araçlarına sahiptir. Ayrıca, resimlerinize uygulanacak 35'in üzerinde efekt ve üretkenliğinizi düzenlemenize yardımcı olacak sınırsız katmanlar oluşturma yeteneğine de sahiptir.</p>
  <description xml:lang="uk">
    <p>Pinta — програма для редагування, малювання та розфарбовування із простим, але потужним інтерфейсом. У Pinta передбачено широкий діапазон засобів для малювання: довільні лінії, прямокутники, кола і прямі. Крім того, ви зможете застосувати до ваших зображень понад 35 ефектів, а також створити необмежену кількість шарів, які допоможуть упорядкувати ваші художні засоби.</p>
  <description xml:lang="zh_CN">
    <p>Pinta是一个图像编辑,绘图和绘画应用程序,具有简单而强大的界面。Pinta拥有广泛的绘图工具,包括:手绘,矩形,圆形和线条。它还具有超过 35 种效果可应用于您的图像,并且还能够创建无限的图层来帮助组织您的创造力。</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">pinta.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/icons/48x48/pinta_pinta.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">pinta_pinta.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/icons/64x64/pinta_pinta.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/icons/128x128/pinta_pinta.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">pinta</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.pinta-project.com</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://bugs.launchpad.net/pinta</url>
  <url type="faq">https://communiroo.com/pintaproject/pinta/questions</url>
  <url type="help">https://www.pinta-project.com/howto</url>
  <url type="translate">https://translations.launchpad.net/pinta</url>
    <lang percentage="100">af</lang>
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    <lang percentage="90">vi</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">zh_CN</lang>
    <lang percentage="26">zh_HK</lang>
    <lang percentage="92">zh_TW</lang>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>Main window</caption>
      <image type="source" width="1346" height="890">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="1248" height="825">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/screenshots/image-1_1248x825.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="752" height="497">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/screenshots/image-1_752x497.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="624" height="412">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/screenshots/image-1_624x412.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="148">p/pi/pinta.desktop/1672267291a8c3351c175b763e5c5433/screenshots/image-1_224x148.png</image>
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    <release type="stable" version="2.1.2" timestamp="1713571200">
          <li>Support building against .NET 8 (replacing .NET 7) in addition to .NET 6</li>
        <p>Bug Fixes</p>
          <li>Fixed AppStream validation errors in `xdg/pinta.appdata.xml`</li>
          <li>Fixed issues where the system language settings on macOS did not properly take effect in Pinta (#1976178)</li>
          <li>Fixed issues on macOS with loading webp images (#770)</li>
    <release type="stable" version="2.1.1" timestamp="1677369600">
          <li>Updated translations</li>
        <p>Bug Fixes</p>
          <li>Fixed a bug where the Save As file dialog failed to open when using the file chooser portal (e.g. for sandboxed Snap or Flatpak packages), if the image's file type did not support exporting (e.g. SVG) (#2002021)</li>
          <li>Fixed a potential error when opening or closing Pinta, if the last dialog directory setting was an empty string (#2002188, #2001734)</li>
          <li>Fixed error messages when dragging and dropping to open a file (#2003384)</li>
          <li>Fixed an issue where the tab labels could not shrink, limiting the minimum size of the window (#2006572)</li>
          <li>Fixed errors on Windows when opening non-ASCII file paths through the "Open With" context menu (2006974)</li>
    <release type="stable" version="2.1" timestamp="1672617600">
        <p>New Features / Improvements</p>
          <li>Updated icons to symbolic SVG icons, which are more usable for dark themes and high-res screens (#204, #207, #1738106, #1909573)</li>
          <li>Added "Transparency Mode" to the Gradient tool</li>
          <li>The selection move handles and shape control point handles are now much easier to use when working on zoomed in or small images (#211, #223, #1173756, #1958924, #1958920)</li>
          <li>The File -&gt; New Screenshot command now uses the XDG screenshot portal if available. This fixes issues with taking screenshots under Wayland (#218, #1955841)</li>
          <li>Improved canvas rendering performance (#209, #210)</li>
          <li>Added support for loading files from virtual filesystems such as Google Drive mounts (#215, #1958763)</li>
          <li>Improved support for <code>.ora</code> files</li>
          <li>Hidden layers are now round-tripped correctly for <code>.ora</code> files (#1377566)</li>
          <li>When saving a <code>.ora</code> file, a flattened image (<code>mergedimage.png</code>) is now included in the archive. This is required by the spec to accommodate viewer software (#1377566)</li>
          <li>Image or palette files that have an unknown extension but have valid contents can now be loaded (#1679570). The file dialog also now uses MIME types on Linux and macOS, allowing valid image files with unknown extensions to be included in the image file filter (#216)</li>
          <li>Updated the application icon (#220)</li>
          <li>For Linux users, webp-pixbuf-loader is now a suggested dependency to enable WebP support in Pinta</li>
          <li><code>webp-pixbuf-loader</code> is now included with the macOS package for WebP support</li>
          <li>Upgraded to .NET 7. Building against .NET 6 (LTS) is still supported. When building from the tarball, .NET 6 will be used if .NET 7 is unavailable</li>
          <li>Pinta now uses the standard GTK about dialog</li>
          <li>The Line / Curve tool no longer requires pressing Ctrl to start drawing a shape when the mouse is outside the canvas (#1999997)</li>
        <p>Bug Fixes</p>
          <li>Fixed a bug where the default linear gradient was reflected rather than clamped</li>
          <li>The gradient tool now updates correctly when drawing transparent colors. Previously, old results were visible under the transparent color (#1937942)</li>
          <li>The history panel is now more readable when a dark theme is used (#207)</li>
          <li>Fixed an issue where the Cairo surface for live effect previews was not always disposed (#206)</li>
          <li>Fixed errors that could occur if a selection existed but had zero area (e.g. after inverting a full selection) (#1754440)</li>
          <li>Fixed an issue on Windows where the ruler's text did not render correctly (#212)</li>
          <li>Fixed a regression from Pinta 2.0 where the rulers did not draw a marker for the current mouse position (#214)</li>
          <li>Improved the zoom tool's rectangle zoom when working with smaller images</li>
          <li>Fixed a potential crash when opening / adding an image after actions in the layer list panel (#1959598)</li>
          <li>Fixed an issue where the "All Files" filter in the Open File dialog ignored files with no extension, and did not work in the macOS native file chooser (#1958670, #1679570)</li>
          <li>Fixed a crash in the text tool when pressing Ctrl+X without a selection (#219, #1964398)</li>
          <li>The application icon now appears correctly on KDE Wayland sessions (#1967687)</li>
          <li>Fixed an issue where the selection could be invalid after undoing a rotation (#1975864)</li>
          <li>Fixed a bug where the selected layer could be changed while updating the layer list widget (#1965101)</li>
          <li>Fixed a bug in the shape tools where changing the shape type did not always take effect (#235, #238, #1993332, #1635902)</li>
          <li>Fixed an issue on macOS where toolbar drop down button menus items could not be selected properly</li>
          <li>Pinta now always saves files to the exact file name chosen by the native file dialog, without e.g. appending a default extension. This fixes issues where files saved through desktop portals could be lost (#1958670)</li>
          <li>Fixed a bug where an empty dash pattern resulted in nothing being drawn (#1973706)</li>
          <li>Fixed issues where certain dash patterns did not draw correctly (#1959032)</li>
          <li>Fixed a bug where pasting into a new image could occasionally zoom the new image to 1% (#1959673)</li>
    <release type="stable" version="2.0.2" timestamp="1642032000">
          <li>Updated translations</li>
        <p>Bug Fixes</p>
          <li>When the Windows installer is run in silent mode, fixed an issue where Pinta was automatically launched after installation</li>
          <li>Fixed a macOS packaging issue that caused copy/paste operations to fail (#1957814)</li>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.0"/>