⇦ | qlcplus [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for qlcplus in community

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.e131 - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>E1.31 plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[e1.31]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.os2l - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>OS2L plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[OS2L]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <name>Q Light Controller Plus</name>
  <summary>This is a software to control DMX or analog lighting systems</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ca">Aquest es un programari per controlar sistemes d'il·luminació DMX o analògics</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="de">Software zum Steuern von DMX-basierten oder analogen Beleuchtungssystemen</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="es">Éste es un software para controlar sistemas de iluminación DMX o analógicos</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fr">Ce logiciel permet de contrôler des luminaires DMX ou analogiques</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="it">Questo è un software per controllare sistemi di illuminazione DMX o analogici</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nl">Bestuur verlichting met DMX of analoge systemen</summary>
   QLC+ is free and cross-platform software to control DMX or analog lighting
   systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc. This project is a fork of
   the great QLC project written by Heikki Junnila that aims to continue the
   development of QLC and to introduce new features. The primary goal is to
   bring QLC+ at the level of other commercial lighting control software.
  <description xml:lang="ca">
   QLC és un programari lliure i multiplataforma per controlar sistemes d'il·luminació DMX
   o analògics com a caps mòbils, dimmers, scanners, etc. Aquest projecte és un fork del magnífic
   projecte QLC escrit per Heikki Junnila, que intenta continuar el desenvolupament de QLC
   i introduir noves funcionalitats. L'objectiu primari és d'elevar QLC+ al nivell
   d'altres programaris comercials de control d'il·luminació.
  <description xml:lang="de">
   QLC+ ist eine konstenlose und cross-platform Software um DMX-basierte oder analoge
   Beleuchtungssysteme wie Moving-Heads, Dimmer, Scanner, usw. zu steuern.
   Das Projekt ist ein Fork des großartigen QLC-Projekts von Heikki Junnila mit dem
   Ziel, die Entwicklung von QLC fortzuführen und neue Funktionen hinzuzufügen.
   Das primäre Ziel ist es, QLC+ auf die gleiche Stufe wie kommerzielle
   Lichtsteuersoftware zu bringen.
  <description xml:lang="es">
   QLC+ es un software gratuito y multi plataforma para controlar sistemas de iluminación
   DMX o analógicos como cabezas móviles, dimmers, scanners, etc. Este proyecto es un fork
   del magnífico proyecto QLC escrito por Heikki Junnila, que intenta continuar el desarrollo de
   QLC e introducir nuevas funcionalidades. El objetivo primario es de elevar QLC+
   al nivel de otros softwares comerciales de control de iluminación.
  <description xml:lang="fr">
   QLC+ est un logiciel libre et multiplateformes, qui contrôle des luminaires
   DMX ou analogiques, comme des lyres, des dimmers, des scans, etc. Ce projet
   est un fork du superbe projet QLC écrit par Heikki Junnila, son but est de
   poursuivre le développement de QLC et d'y ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
   L'objectif premier est d'amener QLC+ au même niveau que les autres logiciels
   de contrôle de luminaires.
  <description xml:lang="it">
   QLC+ è un software gratuito e multi piattaforma per controllare sistemi di illuminazione
   DMX o analogici come teste mobili, dimmer, scanner, ecc. Questo progetto è un fork
   del magnifico progetto QLC scritto da Heikki Junnila, che mira a continuare lo sviluppo di
   QLC e a introdurre nuove funzionalità. L'obiettivo primario è di portare QLC+
   al livello di altri software commerciali per il controllo di illuminazione.
  <description xml:lang="nl">
   QLC+ is gratis en cross-platform software voor het besturen van DMX of analoge
   verlichting systemen zoals moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc. Dit project is
   een verbetering van het grote QLC project geschreven door Heikki Junnila dat zich
   richt op de verder ontwikkeling van QLC en om nieuwe functies te introduceren. Het primaire
   doel is om QLC+ op het niveau van andere commerciële lichtregeling software te brengen.
  <launchable type="desktop-id">qlcplus.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">qlcplus_qlcplus.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">org/qlcplus/QLCPlus/9061403fa140c43a7781c00b0212675b/icons/64x64/qlcplus_qlcplus.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">qlcplus</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.midi - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>MIDI plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[Midi]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.spi - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>SPI plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[SPI]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.osc - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>OSC plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[OSC]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.artnet - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>ArtNet plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[artnet]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.hid - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>HID plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[hid]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.udmx - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>uDMX plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[uDMX]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.dmx4linux - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>DMX4Linux plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[DMX4Linux]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlusFixtureEditor - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <name>QLC+ Fixture Definition Editor</name>
  <summary>Fixture Editor for QLC+</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ca">Editor de definicions de fixtures per QLC+</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="de">Editor für QLC+ Gerätedefinitionen</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="es">Editor de definiciones de fixtures para QLC+</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fr">Editeur de définition d'appareil pour QLC+</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="it">Editor di definizioni di fixture per QLC+</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nl">Armatuur Editor voor QLC+</summary>
   This is the Fixture Definition Editor for QLC+.
  <description xml:lang="ca">
   Aquest es l'editor de definicions de fixtures per QLC+.
  <description xml:lang="de">
   Editor zum Bearbeiten und Erstellen von Gerätedefinitionen für QLC+.
  <description xml:lang="es">
   Éste es el editor de definiciones de fixtures para QLC+.
  <description xml:lang="fr">
   Ceci est l'éditeur de définition d'appareil pour QLC+.
  <description xml:lang="it">
   Questo è l'editor di definizioni di fixture per QLC+.
  <description xml:lang="nl">
   Dit is de Armatuur Editor voor QLC+.
  <launchable type="desktop-id">qlcplus-fixtureeditor.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">qlcplus_qlcplus-fixtureeditor.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">org/qlcplus/QLCPlusFixtureEditor/efe772f1d29caa40ce6230f681d451d0/icons/64x64/qlcplus_qlcplus-fixtureeditor.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">qlcplus-fixtureeditor</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.enttecwing - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <name>Enttec Wing</name>
  <summary>Enttec Wing plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[enttecwing]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.loopback - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>Loopback plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[e1.31]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.peperoni - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>Peperoni plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[peperoni]:</url>

org.qlcplus.QLCPlus.dmxusb - 4.13.1-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="addon">
  <summary>DMX USB plugin for QLC+</summary>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.qlcplus.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/issues/new?title=[DMXUSB]:</url>