⇦ | tiled [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for tiled in community

org.mapeditor.Tiled.desktop - 1.10.2-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>General purpose map editor</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="de">Leveleditor für allgemeine Zwecke</summary>
  <project_license>GPL-2.0+ and BSD-2-Clause</project_license>
   Tiled is a general purpose 2D level editor with powerful tile map editing
   features. It’s built to be easy to use and is suitable for many type of
   The Tiled map format is supported by a large amount of game engines and
   libraries. In addition, Tiled supports plugins to read and write map formats
   other than its own map format.
  <description xml:lang="de">
   Tiled ist ein allgemeiner 2D Leveleditor mit mächtigen Funktionen zum bearbeiten von Tiled Maps.
   Er hat eine einfache Bedienung und ist entwickelt worden, um möglichst viele unterschiedliche Spiele
   zu unterstützen.
   Das Tiled Dateiformat wird von vielen Spielengines und Bibliotheken unterstützt.
   Zudem bietet Tiled eine Pluginunterstützung, durch die auch andere Formate geöffnet
   und gespeichert werden können.
  <launchable type="desktop-id">org.mapeditor.Tiled.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/icons/48x48/tiled_tiled.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">tiled_tiled.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/icons/64x64/tiled_tiled.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/icons/128x128/tiled_tiled.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">tiled</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://www.mapeditor.org/</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/mapeditor/tiled/issues</url>
  <url type="help">https://doc.mapeditor.org/</url>
  <url type="donation">https://www.mapeditor.org/donate</url>
  <url type="translate">https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tiled/translations/</url>
  <url type="vcs-browser">https://github.com/mapeditor/tiled</url>
    <lang percentage="100">en_US</lang>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <image type="source" width="800" height="600">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="752" height="564">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-1_752x564.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="624" height="468">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-1_624x468.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="168">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-1_224x168.png</image>
      <image type="source" width="800" height="600">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-2_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="752" height="564">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-2_752x564.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="624" height="468">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-2_624x468.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="168">org/mapeditor/Tiled.desktop/87bde564e812627a27146648f541f279/screenshots/image-2_224x168.png</image>
    <release type="stable" version="1.10.2" timestamp="1691107200">
          <li>Added support for setting custom properties on the project (#2903)</li>
          <li>Added feedback when Terrain Brush and Terrain Fill Mode can't find a tile</li>
          <li>Removed Space and Ctrl+Space shortcuts from Layers view to avoid conflict with panning (#3672)</li>
          <li>Display the image base name for unnamed tile objects referring to single images</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added API for editing tile layers using terrain sets (with a-morphous, #3758)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added file dialog API (with dogboydog, #3782)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Support erasing tiles in Tool.preview and TileMap.merge</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added Geometry interface with line and ellipse helpers</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added WangSet.effectiveTypeForColor</li>
          <li>Fixed crash when changing file property of custom class (#3783)</li>
          <li>Fixed loading of invalid color properties (#3793)</li>
          <li>Fixed handling of enum values with 31 flags and fixed the applied limit (#3658)</li>
          <li>Fixed object preview position with parallax factor on group layer (#3669)</li>
          <li>Fixed hover highlight rendering with active parallax factor (#3669)</li>
          <li>Fixed updating of object selection outlines when changing parallax factor (#3669)</li>
          <li>Fixed "Offset Map" action to offset all objects when choosing "Whole Map" as bounds</li>
          <li>Fixed several issues with drawing ellipses (#3776)</li>
          <li>Fixed Terrain Fill Mode for sets containing transitions to empty (#3774)</li>
          <li>Godot 4 plugin: Export custom tile properties as Custom Data Layers (with Kevin Harrison, #3653)</li>
          <li>AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.6.5</li>
          <li>Qt 6: Increased the image allocation limit from 1 GB to 4 GB (#3616)</li>
          <li>macOS: The macOS 10.14+ build is now a Universal macOS Binary (#3707)</li>
    <release type="stable" version="1.10.1" timestamp="1680566400">
          <li>Make panning with Space require pressing a mouse button as well (#3626)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added read-only access to Project properties (by dogboydog, #3622)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Fixed behavior of Dialog.SameWidgetRows (#3607)</li>
          <li>Fixed object labels to adjust to application font changes</li>
          <li>Fixed grid rendering for odd Hex Side Length values (#3623)</li>
          <li>Fixed tile stamp getting messed up on staggered maps in some cases (#3431)</li>
          <li>JSON plugin: Fixed loading of empty tilesets created by script (#3542)</li>
          <li>Godot 4 plugin: Removed depth limit for .godot project file (#3612)</li>
          <li>Improved Terrain Brush for Hexagonal (Staggered) maps with side length 0 (#3617)</li>
          <li>Removed "Add Folder to Project" button from the startup page</li>
          <li>Qt 6: Increased the image allocation limit from 128 MB to 1 GB (#3616)</li>
          <li>Qt 6 / Linux: Fixed long startup time for some icon themes</li>
          <li>snap: Updated from core20 to core22 (now uses Qt 5.15)</li>
          <li>Qbs: Added projects.Tiled.libDir option (#3613)</li>
    <release type="stable" version="1.10.0" timestamp="1678406400">
          <li>Restored Tiled 1.8 file format compatibility by default (#3560)</li>
          <li>Added action search popup on Ctrl+Shift+P (with dogboydog, #3449)</li>
          <li>Added Godot 4 export plugin (#3550)</li>
          <li>Added file system actions also for tileset image based tilesets (#3448)</li>
          <li>Added custom class option to disable drawing fill for objects (with dogboydog, #3312)</li>
          <li>Added option to choose a custom interface font (#3589)</li>
          <li>Implemented rendering of major grid lines for staggered / hexagonal maps (#3583)</li>
          <li>Fixed new layer names to be always unique (by Logan Higinbotham, #3452)</li>
          <li>Fixed broken tile images after importing/exporting a tileset</li>
          <li>AutoMapping: Added support for output set probability (#3179)</li>
          <li>AutoMapping: When input regions are defined, match in order by default (#3559)</li>
          <li>AutoMapping: Skip locked layers when applying rules (#3544)</li>
          <li>AutoMapping: Fixed NoOverlappingOutput in case of multiple output indices (#3551)</li>
          <li>AutoMapping: Fixed automatic output regions for object output (#3473)</li>
          <li>AutoMapping: Fixed crash on undo when output layers have properties</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added Object.setColorProperty and Object.setFloatProperty (#3423)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added tiled.projectFilePath</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added tiled.versionLessThan</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added TileMap.toImage (#3519)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added Tool.targetLayerType (#3248)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added region.contiguousRegions() (#3576)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added tiled.compress and tiled.decompress (#3153)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added Base64 encoding and decoding API (#3153)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Allow assigning null to Tile.objectGroup (by Logan Higinbotham, #3495)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Allow changing the items in a combo box added to a dialog</li>
          <li>Scripting: Fixed painting issues after changing TileLayer size (#3481)</li>
          <li>Scripting: Renamed Tileset.collection to Tileset.isCollection (#3543)</li>
          <li>Defold plugin: Allow overriding z value also when exporting to .collection (#3214)</li>
          <li>Qt 6: Fixed invisible tileset tabs when only a single tileset is open</li>
          <li>Qt 6: Fixed behavior of "Class of" selection popup</li>
          <li>Qt 6: Fixed tile rendering when OpenGL is enabled (#3578)</li>
          <li>Fixed positioning of point object name labels (by Logan Higinbotham, #3400)</li>
          <li>Fixed slight drift when zooming the map view in/out</li>
          <li>Fixed remaining lag after switching off hardware acceleration (#3584)</li>
          <li>Fixed point object hover highlight position (#3571)</li>
          <li>Fixed drawing lines with stamps having differently sized variations (#3533)</li>
          <li>Fixed compile against Qt 6.4</li>
          <li>snap: Added Wayland platform plugin and additional image format plugins</li>
          <li>AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.6.0</li>
          <li>Updated Bulgarian, French, German, Hungarian, Russian and Swedish translations</li>
    <release type="stable" version="1.9.2" timestamp="1663286400">
          <li>Allow adding maps to image collection tilesets (#3447)</li>
          <li>Auto-detect JSON file format when importing custom types (#3472)</li>
          <li>Added file system actions to the tile context menu (#3448)</li>
          <li>Fixed possible crash in Custom Types Editor (#3465)</li>
          <li>Fixed display of overridden values from a nested class</li>
          <li>Fixed ability to reset nested string and file properties (#3409)</li>
          <li>Fixed changing nested property values for multiple objects (#3344)</li>
          <li>Fixed resolving of class properties on export to affect all data types (#3470)</li>
          <li>Fixed possible duplication of Automapping Rules Tileset (#3462)</li>
          <li>Fixed case where object labels could become visible for hidden layer (#3442)</li>
          <li>Fixed updating of custom property colors when changing style</li>
          <li>Scripting: Added Tileset.findTile</li>
          <li>AutoMapping: Fixed applying of rule probability (#3425)</li>
          <li>Defold plugin: Assign incrementing z values and allow specifying tile\_set (#3214)</li>
          <li>Updates to German translation (by Christian Pervoelz)</li>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.0"/>