⇦ | zim [community]
Last updated on: 2025-03-09 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for zim in community

org.zim_wiki.Zim - 0.75.2-r1 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>Write notes in a desktop wiki</summary>
      Zim brings the power of a wiki to your desktop, providing a neat and structured
      way to take notes and record your thoughts.
      Each page in Zim is automatically saved as text file with wiki markup,
      including the ability to link pages and to add other files as attachments.
      Pages in Zim are also displayed in the sidebar in a hierarchical tree style
      layout to help organize your notes better.
		Various plugins provide additional functionality, like a task list manager,
		an equation editor, a tray icon, and support for version control.
    <p>Zim can be used to:</p>
      <li>Keep an archive of notes</li>
      <li>Keep a daily or weekly journal</li>
      <li>Take notes during meetings or lectures</li>
      <li>Organize task lists</li>
      <li>Draft blog entries and emails</li>
      <li>Do brainstorming</li>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">zim.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">org/zim_wiki/Zim/494558e6174d8ee6073d18f0505d21e8/icons/48x48/zim_zim.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">zim_zim.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">org/zim_wiki/Zim/494558e6174d8ee6073d18f0505d21e8/icons/64x64/zim_zim.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">org/zim_wiki/Zim/494558e6174d8ee6073d18f0505d21e8/icons/128x128/zim_zim.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">zim</icon>
  <url type="homepage">http://zim-wiki.org/</url>
    <lang percentage="80">am</lang>
    <lang percentage="70">ar</lang>
    <lang percentage="77">ca</lang>
    <lang percentage="80">cs</lang>
    <lang percentage="79">da</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">de</lang>
    <lang percentage="64">el</lang>
    <lang percentage="78">en_GB</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">en_US</lang>
    <lang percentage="52">eo</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">es</lang>
    <lang percentage="39">et</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">eu</lang>
    <lang percentage="60">fi</lang>
    <lang percentage="96">fr</lang>
    <lang percentage="51">gl</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">he</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">hr</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">hu</lang>
    <lang percentage="77">id</lang>
    <lang percentage="98">it</lang>
    <lang percentage="79">ja</lang>
    <lang percentage="74">ko</lang>
    <lang percentage="71">nb</lang>
    <lang percentage="92">nl</lang>
    <lang percentage="61">pl</lang>
    <lang percentage="100">pt</lang>
    <lang percentage="78">pt_BR</lang>
    <lang percentage="67">ro</lang>
    <lang percentage="95">ru</lang>
    <lang percentage="29">si</lang>
    <lang percentage="42">sk</lang>
    <lang percentage="57">sl</lang>
    <lang percentage="41">sr</lang>
    <lang percentage="77">sv</lang>
    <lang percentage="59">tr</lang>
    <lang percentage="73">uk</lang>
    <lang percentage="98">zh_CN</lang>
    <lang percentage="62">zh_TW</lang>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <image type="source" width="815" height="652">org/zim_wiki/Zim/494558e6174d8ee6073d18f0505d21e8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="752" height="601">org/zim_wiki/Zim/494558e6174d8ee6073d18f0505d21e8/screenshots/image-1_752x601.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="624" height="499">org/zim_wiki/Zim/494558e6174d8ee6073d18f0505d21e8/screenshots/image-1_624x499.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="179">org/zim_wiki/Zim/494558e6174d8ee6073d18f0505d21e8/screenshots/image-1_224x179.png</image>
    <release type="stable" version="0.75.2" timestamp="1688601600">
          <li>Add pagename completion by words in "Jump to"</li>
          <li>Let tasklist window remember selection state</li>
          <li>Let tasklist window use a search bar</li>
          <li>Add count in tasklist window</li>
          <li>Fix auto-collapse in page index for child nodes</li>
          <li>Fix import of gtkspellcheck</li>
          <li>Make spellcheck more robust for page reload</li>
          <li>Fix bug in insert screenshot</li>
          <li>Add scrollbar to custom tool window</li>
          <li>Fix config dirs for portable install</li>
          <li>Use environment variable for `XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR`</li>
          <li>Fix links to anchors on export</li>
          <li>Fix bug in copy-paste of interwiki links</li>
          <li>Updated diagrameditor and sequencediagrameditor plugins to generate SVG</li>
          <li>Add keybinding for cutting the current line(s)</li>
          <li>Fix fullscreen headerbar visibility</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.75.2" timestamp="1688601600">
          <li>Add pagename completion by words in "Jump to"</li>
          <li>Let tasklist window remember selection state</li>
          <li>Let tasklist window use a search bar</li>
          <li>Add count in tasklist window</li>
          <li>Fix auto-collapse in page index for child nodes</li>
          <li>Fix import of gtkspellcheck</li>
          <li>Make spellcheck more robust for page reload</li>
          <li>Fix bug in insert screenshot</li>
          <li>Add scrollbar to custom tool window</li>
          <li>Fix config dirs for portable install</li>
          <li>Use environment variable for `XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR`</li>
          <li>Fix links to anchors on export</li>
          <li>Fix bug in copy-paste of interwiki links</li>
          <li>Updated diagrameditor and sequencediagrameditor plugins to generate SVG</li>
          <li>Add keybinding for cutting the current line(s)</li>
          <li>Fix fullscreen headerbar visibility</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.75.1" timestamp="1666656000">
          <li>Fix bug with relative path notebook icon</li>
          <li>Fix bug with icons in notebookdialog</li>
          <li>Fix bug with loading sub-notebooks via "notebook.zim"</li>
          <li>Fix bug with "--list" commandline</li>
          <li>Fix issue opening unicode attachements on win32</li>
          <li>Fix saving preferences for edit bar</li>
          <li>Fix link visibility in TableEditor</li>
          <li>Use flatpak locale directory in flatpak</li>
    <release type="stable" version="0.75.0" timestamp="1664236800">
          <li>Upgrade Python version requirement to &gt;= 3.6</li>
          <li>Complete porting all modules to `zim.newfs` and deprecate `zim.fs`</li>
          <li>Refactor APIs to deal with tokens instead of `etree` interface</li>
          <li>Add framework for imagegenerators with inline data</li>
          <li>Refactored ther user interface of the tasklist plugin</li>
          <li>Make tasklist window persistent</li>
          <li>Let tasklist window also show closed tasks</li>
          <li>Let tasks inherit all modifiers from list heading</li>
          <li>Let "Go to Today" use anchor id for current day</li>
          <li>Update LinkMap with new options</li>
          <li>Refactor preference for custom window decoration &amp; toolbar plugin</li>
          <li>Enables distinct shortcuts for en and em dashes in symbol list</li>
          <li>Add unicode 8757 ("because") in symbol list</li>
          <li>Move Selected Text: add preference for short links &amp; save bounds</li>
          <li>Extend ToC pane context menu</li>
          <li>Score editor: add check for convert-ly</li>
          <li>Source View plugin: Don't show hidden languages</li>
          <li>Export code blocks in markdown as fenced blocks</li>
          <li>Fix loading GIF images</li>
          <li>Fix to let the "insert link" dialog allow anchors</li>
          <li>Allow sidepane focus key to be configured</li>
          <li>Added action to collapse and expand in PageIndex</li>
          <li>Add action for "move text" to allow keybinding</li>
          <li>Support closing an open 'find bar' by pressing ESC in the page view widget</li>
          <li>Allow cancelling ImageGeneratorDialog using Escape key</li>
          <li>Version control: fix fossil</li>
          <li>Fix KDE drag-n-drop bug</li>
          <li>Fix export with formatting in heading</li>
          <li>Minimal support for "Terminal" option in desktop files</li>
          <li>Add preference for not prompting on new folder</li>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>