<component type="inputmethod">
<summary>Chinese Pinyin and Zhuyin input method</summary>
<developer_name>The GNOME Project</developer_name>
The Pinyin input method is designed for entering Chinese text by
using Pinyin or Zhuyin.
Input methods are typing systems allowing users to input complex languages.
They are necessary because these contain too many characters to simply be laid
out on a traditional keyboard.
<url type="homepage">https://github.com/libpinyin/ibus-libpinyin</url>
<url type="bugtracker">https://code.google.com/p/ibus/issues/list</url>
<url type="help">https://code.google.com/p/ibus/wiki/FAQ</url>
<url type="donation">https://www.gnome.org/friends/</url>