⇦ | songrec [community]
Last updated on: 2024-05-02 02:02 [UTC]

Metadata for songrec in community

com.github.marinm.songrec - 0.3.3-r0 ⚙ aarch64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ armv7 ⚙ x86 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary>An open-source, unofficial Shazam client for Linux, written in Rust.</summary>
    <p>- Recognize audio from an arbitrary audio file.</p>
    <p>- Recognize audio from the microphone.</p>
    <p>- Usage from both GUI and command line (for the file recognition part).</p>
    <p>- Provide an history of the recognized songs on the GUI, exportable to CSV.</p>
    <p>- Continuous song detection from the microphone, with the ability to choose your input device.</p>
    <p>- Ability to recognize songs from your speakers rather than your microphone (on compatible PulseAudio setups).</p>
    <p>- Generate a lure from a song that, when played, will fool Shazam into thinking that it is the concerned song.</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">com.github.marinm.songrec.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="remote" width="48" height="48">com/github/marinm.songrec/130ede94f48382c5da2eb472609a33d1/icons/48x48/songrec_com.github.marinm.songrec.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">songrec_com.github.marinm.songrec.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="64" height="64">com/github/marinm.songrec/130ede94f48382c5da2eb472609a33d1/icons/64x64/songrec_com.github.marinm.songrec.png</icon>
  <icon type="remote" width="128" height="128">com/github/marinm.songrec/130ede94f48382c5da2eb472609a33d1/icons/128x128/songrec_com.github.marinm.songrec.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">com.github.marinm.songrec</icon>
  <url type="homepage">https://github.com/marin-m/SongRec</url>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>The GUI</caption>
      <image type="source" width="997" height="809">com/github/marinm.songrec/130ede94f48382c5da2eb472609a33d1/screenshots/image-1_orig.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="752" height="610">com/github/marinm.songrec/130ede94f48382c5da2eb472609a33d1/screenshots/image-1_752x610.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="624" height="506">com/github/marinm.songrec/130ede94f48382c5da2eb472609a33d1/screenshots/image-1_624x506.png</image>
      <image type="thumbnail" width="224" height="181">com/github/marinm.songrec/130ede94f48382c5da2eb472609a33d1/screenshots/image-1_224x181.png</image>
    <release type="stable" version="0.3.3" timestamp="1697328000">
        <p>Add a Favourite songs list in the interface (thanks to pull request #123 from @damonhayhurst)</p>
        <p>Add a Spanish UI translation (as submitted by @Swyter in issue #23)</p>
        <p>Add a German UI translation (as submitted in issue #23)</p>
        <p>Update the Italian UI translation (thanks to pull request #133 from @M0Rf30)</p>
    <release type="stable" version="0.3.2" timestamp="1653523200">
        <p>Add a checkbox into the graphical interface in order to disable or enable system notifications whenever recognizing a song (thanks to @damonhayhurst).</p>
        <p>Fix the bug that previously caused the Firefox user interface menus to blink on Linux after the "Search on YouTube" feature has been used (thanks to @ducaton).</p>
        <p>Update the French translation.</p>
        <p>Add safety checks in order to prevent potential crashes when handling corrupt configuration files or invalid audio devices.</p>
        <p>Change the path of the files saving user interface-related preferences in order to update a deprecated Rust crate (this may create a symbolic link from "~/.local/share/songrec" towards an preexisting "~/.local/share/SongRec" directory under Linux).</p>
    <release type="stable" version="0.3.1" timestamp="1650585600">
        <p>- Fix the behavior of the new "recognize" command, when recognizing from a file.</p>
        <p>- Add album artwork, if it exists, to the desktop notification when a song is recognized (thanks to @damonhayhurst).</p>
        <p>- Update the Dutch translation (thanks to @Vistaus).</p>
    <release type="stable" version="0.3.0" timestamp="1640476800">
        <p>- Introduce a new command-line interface allowing to use microphone recognition from the command line, with the "recognize" and "listen" commands (thanks to @Hummer12007), keeping older command backwards compatibility.</p>
        <p>- Update the CSV export format in order to introduce new "track_key", "release_year" and "genre" columns (thanks to @tyd), where "track_key" is an identifier internal to the Shazam database.</p>
        <p>- Allow exposing song metadata through the standard DBus MPRIS interface (thanks to @Hummer12007).</p>
        <p>- Improve source code structure in order to split the dual CLI/GUI parts from the core thread communication and fingerprinting parts and from other platform-dependant utility code.</p>
        <p>- Update certain dependent crates to more recent minor versions, among other possible things in order to accept a higher LibreSSL version.</p>
        <p>- Add the program version without the program help output (see the "-h" or "-V", "--version" options).</p>
        <p>- Add a Polish translation (thanks to @qarmin).</p>
        <p>- Update the French translation according to recent changes.</p>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.0"/>